I think this thread is now flogging a dead...........
Can you find your own jokes please
I think this thread is now flogging a dead...........
Can you find your own jokes please
Sorry, missed your post, must have had my Blinkers on.
OK, I will rein the jokes in now.
Oh, don't start Bobby off.its not a race you know.
enough of the jokes, its not a race you know.
You're the one saying the animal should be treated with respect. Fair enough, if that is your belief.Not the point. They made money out of that horse, too treat it with a bit of dignity and respect is the least they can do.
You're the one saying the animal should be treated with respect. Fair enough, if that is your belief.
But what has making money out of the animal to do with it?
Surely your desire to respect the creature should apply regardless?
100's of horses die every year on race tracks every year.
Seven horses died at the Cheltenham festival, thats the bit the public don't hear about.
Jump racing is the biggest cause of equine fatalities, maybe that could be banned.
https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/sport/amp/horse-racing/47040194?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA==#aoh=16148145703445&referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From %1$s
There are 90billion chickens in the world.How many of those 93,000 horses, do you think, would be alive today if not for racing..??