Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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Hmm. Roughly 85/15% say leave so far. Even better than the 52/48% result of 2016. :whistle:
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It all depends on how much of a hostage Boris is to the ERG whether there is a deal or not.
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Boris is probably going to be a scapegoat what ever happens. Parliament is the ERG etc.

:) It's likely to be the EU's fault what ever happens as well.
There is a rumour Johnson will accept a no deal now so he can get his political win from those who know no better.....and then get a deal in Jan Feb
The Remainer David Cameron approached the EU with half hearted proposals and the EU responded with equally half hearted solutions.
Their suggestion that their solutions would be 'enshrined in the next EU treaties' just didn't wash.
half hearted proposals

Unfortunately, the Brexers have never been able to agree among themselves what they want. They couldn't do it before the referendum, they couldn't do it after the referendum, they couldn't do it before A50, they couldn't do it before or during the negotiations. They still haven't done it and they never will.

All they can do is whinge.

They've been moaning for 47 years.

They didn't stop after they "won" the referendum, nor at A50, nor at any of the leaving dates their government declared.

They never will.
take dum, for example. He's got a Brexer Prime Minister, a Brexer cabinet, and a Brexer government. Everybody else has been chucked out by the Brexers. Has he stopped moaning? No.

He's had a Withdrawal Agreement negotiated and signed by Brexers, and years of ongoing negotiation carried out by Brexers. Has he stopped moaning? No.

Brexer Boris even moans about the "oven ready" deal he himself agreed and signed.
There is a rumour Johnson will accept a no deal now so he can get his political win from those who know no better.....and then get a deal in Jan Feb
Is what I suspect as well. He'll gladly run the country into the ground to score a few political points.

And I know many who would still vote for them. Hell, they'd vote for a cauliflower with a blue rosette pinned on it.
Is what I suspect as well. He'll gladly run the country into the ground to score a few political points.

And I know many who would still vote for them. Hell, they'd vote for a cauliflower with a blue rosette pinned on it.

Thats awful news I have cauliflower cheese tonight ....are you saying I had a choice.
I see Doris has backed down a bit

"Boris Johnson on Tuesday announced the scrapping of all “lawbreaking” clauses from controversial UK Brexit legislation, in a major boost to relations between London and Brussels."

"The EU and UK said they had agreed a deal on the implementation of the Northern Ireland protocol, part of Britain’s withdrawal treaty, to govern future trade between mainland Britain and the region."

Unfortunately, he has already defined himself as a person who is willing to go back on his word, and to break international law, if he sees an advantage for himself, and the EU27 leaders know that.

Trust is hard to build, and easy to destroy.

We all know that Johnson is not to be trusted.
last time you bought a car, did the vendor say "by the way, I may not abide by any of the terms of the sale contract we agreed and that I just signed?"

If he did, would you continue buying from him?
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