Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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Well that arch brexiteer/tax avoider has decided already...

"Ineos has confirmed its new Grenadier cars will be manufactured in France, not Wales as had been hoped.
The chemical conglomerate, controlled by prominent Brexit supporter Sir Jim Ratcliffe, said it will build the vehicles at the former Mercedes-Benz factory in Hambach, Moselle, following a deal with the German carmaker."

"Ineos said on Tuesday the French factory was "well located for access to markets, suppliers and automotive talent".

Note the 'access to markets' bit...

"That Brexit is clearly a major factor at play is a bitter pill to swallow. Ineos owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe was a vocal Brexiteer, loudly proclaiming the benefits of leaving the EU. Today, we can see his claims are as hollow as his promises."

Well Wales shouldn't have voted brexit then...

The so called 'Project fear' is actually Project reality...

But the brexit numpties still don't get it!
Boo Hoo Elle. Pick your dummy up, put on your big boys trousers & get over it you little weasel
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Lol. Love it.Notch is getting more & more desperate. Don't blow a fuse, loser.
You didn't win

You were conned
You lost big time
Corrected for you...

'We didn't win
You were conned
We lost big time'

Or have you forgotten how you were apparently also conned?
Well that arch brexiteer/tax avoider has decided already...

"Ineos has confirmed its new Grenadier cars will be manufactured in France, not Wales as had been hoped.
The chemical conglomerate, controlled by prominent Brexit supporter Sir Jim Ratcliffe, said it will build the vehicles at the former Mercedes-Benz factory in Hambach, Moselle, following a deal with the German carmaker."

"Ineos said on Tuesday the French factory was "well located for access to markets, suppliers and automotive talent".

Note the 'access to markets' bit...

"That Brexit is clearly a major factor at play is a bitter pill to swallow. Ineos owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe was a vocal Brexiteer, loudly proclaiming the benefits of leaving the EU. Today, we can see his claims are as hollow as his promises."

Well Wales shouldn't have voted brexit then...

The so called 'Project fear' is actually Project reality...

But the brexit numpties still don't get it!

The Hambach factory only became available because of Mercedes being forced to cut costs by selling half the 'smart' car to the Chinese and shifting production to China was one of the terms. Ratcliffe would have picked up that factory for close to nothing.
Looks like our Jerry friends are starting to struggle. Is that a good advert for the EU?
The cracks are starting to show. Merkel is furious with Macron. Greece, Italy, Spain & Potugal are completely potless. Poland & Hungary playing up. We're getting out at the perfect opportunity.
Oh, and they've just lost a member that contributed more money than over half of all EU countries contributions COMBINED! (AND their biggest customer) HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
The Hambach factory only became available because of Mercedes being forced to cut costs by selling half the 'smart' car to the Chinese and shifting production to China was one of the terms. Ratcliffe would have picked up that factory for close to nothing.
Looks like our Jerry friends are starting to struggle. Is that a good advert for the EU?
Is the traitor Ratcliffe choosing to sell out the UK he said would thrive after brexit a good advert for the UK?

But then the brexit donkeys who followed the agitators don't care about the negative consequences do they...

After all they knew exactly what they were voting for...

The enrichment of a few, and decades of hardship for themselves and all of those who saw the lies for what they were...

But hey, you carry on with your ignorant prejudices if it makes you happy :)
The Hambach factory only became available because of Mercedes being forced to cut costs by selling half the 'smart' car to the Chinese and shifting production to China was one of the terms. Ratcliffe would have picked up that factory for close to nothing.
Looks like our Jerry friends are starting to struggle. Is that a good advert for the EU?
It's going to be producing 25,000 cars a year, if it hits it's goals. The Nissan plant produces in the region of half a million.

It's a dick move from Ratcliffe, but it's pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
Nissan, you say?

And what's their view on the viability of carmaking if Boris achieves a no-deal?
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