Deal or no deal

Has Boris got your Blessing

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Always the case with an old troll !

Two down, one to go. :ROFLMAO:

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So @Notch7, @ellal and @JohnD let’s just clear this up. Come Jan 1st if we have left with no deal, we won’t be getting any goods from the EU without paying a tariff. Is that what you are all saying is going to happen?

Tumbleweed gif at the ready. (y)

after Jan all imports to UK from countries without a trade deal will be subject to UK global tariffs, that's the same tariff for every country including EU.

The importer pays the tariff to the UK govt
The importer recovers his cost by charging his customer......the general public

From Jan 1st UK will have to pay the cost of trade barrier red tape on everything it imports from the whole world.

Currently it gets half its stuff from the Single Market with no trade barrier cost.
Luckily for EU it can choose to buy from businesses in the Single Market with no red tape cost.

UK cant
The importer recovers his cost by charging his customer......the general public
Then I and many like me, will not be buying anything that costs extra from the EU.

Say, while you three amigos are posting, can you all have a stab at answering the question as to what EU produce can you not do without?
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Then I and many like me, will not be buying anything that costs extra from the EU.

Nor from any of the countries that the EU has a deal with, eh?

No more car spares or domestic appliances. No Beretta. No watch strap. Not many clothes. No mayonnaise. No HP sauce. Turnips and carrots but no aubergines or peaches. No anchovies. No tinned tomatoes. No pasta. No corona vaccine from Belgium? No spinach. no olives. no Irish cheddar. No Danish bacon. Hardly any ham. No frozen chips. No melons. Hardly any dried or condensed milk. no tangerines. No decent brandy. No Grand Marnier. No Baileys. No Aldi chocolate.
Mottie might start to worry when he realises that his favourite brexit product is made abroad...

Nor from any of the countries that the EU has a deal with, eh?

No more car spares or domestic appliances. No Beretta. No watch strap. Not many clothes. No mayonnaise. No HP sauce. Turnips and carrots but no aubergines or peaches. No anchovies. No tinned tomatoes. No pasta. No corona vaccine from Belgium? No spinach. no olives. no Irish cheddar. No Danish bacon. Hardly any ham. No frozen chips. No melons. Hardly any dried or condensed milk.
I’ll get what I need but I won’t be paying any extra. If they want extra, I’ll gladly go without. I can do without everything on that list and your red herring on the corona vaccine from Belgium shows how desperate you are to prove a point.
Luckily I only have UK made vehicles, but I'll continue to buy tyres.

You're the one who pretends you'll go without.

I'm sure I'll continue to pay UK taxes on other things rather than go without.

I'll need to, to help pay for your taxpayer handouts.
You’d better get a quick order in for some of those sour grapes you feast on.
You misunderstand me...

Given the 'shafting' that you claim the EU is going to impose on you/has imposed on you, then with the upcoming festive season I thought I'd show a bit of thoughtfulness and suggest you stock up on something to ease your 'pain' :)
You misunderstand me...

Given the 'shafting' that you claim the EU is going to impose on you/has imposed on you, then with the upcoming festive season I thought I'd show a bit of thoughtfulness and suggest you stock up on something to ease your 'pain' :)
We are leaving the EU. They will impose nothing on us that we don’t want. That was the point of leaving you numpty!
From what i have heard you can send a parcel to anywhere in England, Scotland and Wales without filling in a customs declaration but if my daughter and her family in Staffordshire wants send me a parcel they will have to fill in a declaration and maybe pay a tarrif.

Still less hassle than it was. At least we don't have to x-ray all the parcels coming this way any more. :eek: ;) ;) ;)
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