Why?What has been shocking Is the public reaction to his death.
In a rich country where so many people are denied healthcare!
Well guess what...
That is the way the UK is heading right now!
When the US corporates finally take over the NHS here, what would your reaction be to a profit before people approach if one of your loved ones died in order to fund billionaire lifestyles?
We don't know yet the motive, but the reaction is understandable!
And then the same country does stuff like this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckg80jrj2r2o America the land of the free and also the completely f**cked.
Biggest cause of personal bankruptcy in America is medical bills.American health care costs more the nhs, chiefly because of rampant litigation. Obarma did good work on medic-air, so much so that even the Don hesitated to overturn it.
Hope he has appropriate insurance.in hell with a red hot poker up his ass
That would narrow the number of suspects down to about 1 million.Looks like they could have had someone over or not paid out on a policy for someone close to the assailant and he's held the boss responsible.
Farage was careful to say he would prefer a French style insurance based system with appropriate safeguards built in,. That might work but only to suppress the value so the city boys can make a killing later on when they sell to a foreign owner.. A bit like the post office.Biggest cause of personal bankruptcy in America is medical bills.
Nigel Farage made some noises about introducing insurance based health care into the UK if Reform get into power.
OK if you are a millionaire I suppose.