Did Gordon actually 'save the world'?

reversing the human rights bo!!ocks that Labour foisted on us
I am always astonished by people who say quite seriously We don't want any of that human rights nonsense. Cannot be thinking properly.

Anyway, the European Court of Human Rights was set up (in 1959) to enforce the European Convention on Human Rights which was set up in 1953. It was largely drafted by a Scottish Conservative politician and judge.
I fully support human rights. I just am of the view that the victims human rights are more important than the perpetrator's.
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reversing the human rights bo!!ocks that Labour foisted on us
I am always astonished by people who say quite seriously We don't want any of that human rights nonsense. Cannot be thinking properly.

Anyway, the European Court of Human Rights was set up (in 1959) to enforce the European Convention on Human Rights which was set up in 1953. It was largely drafted by a Scottish Conservative politician and judge.
I fully support human rights. I just am of the view that the victims human rights are more important than the perpetrator's.

I thought it was only criminals who have 'human rights'. I was going to ask: where can I get some?
I have heard on various occasions that some in the legal profession are doing very well out of the Human Rights legislation, particularly one Cherie Blair Q.C. :rolleyes:
If they get back in next time it will nose dive again and will take a tory only government to pull us out.


Or the Greens!

You are joking, of course. The Greenies pull us out of another Labour economic nose dive? The only things the Greenies can pull are their plonkers.

No not really , they are at least offering us the opportunity of change rather than the illusion of change that Ukip are. Con/lab/lib/ukip are all wedded to the neo liberal economic system we have now , growth is the only thing any of them can see and everything else is dismissed , the envoirment , resource depletion everything .Aron says the Tory's are a crap version of labour and to add to that ukip are a crap version of the Torys . Why not look to an alternative of low or even zero growth and lower consumption ? I agree that as long as we continue expecting consumption only to grow then renewables won't provide an answer but we do need change before this whole applecart is upset.
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No not really , they are at least offering us the opportunity of change rather than the illusion of change that Ukip are.

I agree. The Greenies are certainly offering us the opportunity of change: more windmills, fewer productive power stations and an increase in the forthcoming blackouts. It's not quite the change I had in mind, though.

As for UKIP, and illusion of change? Are you saying that they are no different to LibLabCon? Have you read their proposals and ideology?

Edited for spelling mistake. I'm a bit picky like that!
Yes in essence they are . They are following the same big business agenda that the others are . He may not want to import cheap labour but he is perfectly happy for big business to pay less and lower working standards by "freeing us from Europe" and removing rights and protections and returning us to Victorian values. He isn't really offering any different sort of economic model.
He may not want to import cheap labour but he is perfectly happy for big business to pay less and lower working standards by "freeing us from Europe"

How would removing the UK from the EU bring lower wages and lower working conditions :?:
(green party)No not really , they are at least offering us the opportunity of change rather than the illusion of change that Ukip are.

Have you actually read their manifesto?

Yes, they would bring real change. Higher taxes, higher fuel costs, higher booze duty, higher electricity bills, VAT on new houses, (no, this is actually in their manifesto before you cry foul), I could go on.

Some of their stuff is reasonable, but then then they just offer vague platitudes as solutions. Where they actually describe some of their solutions, they are just bat-**** crazy.

Like increasing taxes business water usage, corporate tax rates, increasing the cost of energy, and then saying they want to increase the amount of our economy that is manufacturing, yes, I am sure massively ramping up the cost of manufacturing will increase manufacturing!

Stopping tax breaks on investment, unless that investment is shown to be "green", (by who, an army of assessors, that will need more tax to support).

They are the typical fringe party, knowing electorally they won't be in any position to deliver their promises, so they can just promise all kinds of unfunded and unrealistic rubbish.

By all means vote for them, the more people that do, the more scrutiny their policies will get, and the more stupid they will look.

neo liberal economic system we have now

And just what the eff is a neo liberal economic system, stop using buzzword generators.

the envoirment , resource depletion everything.

Electricity prices are rising to fund green energy, landfill taxes are massively ramped up with massive recycling drives (and government funding to do so), large areas of the country are being re-converted to nature reserves and protected areas are increasing, we have clean water.

Stop talking out yer bum.

I agree that as long as we continue expecting consumption only to grow then renewables won't provide an answer but we do need change before this whole applecart is upset.

Growing consumption can be sustainable and beneficial, consumption doesn't just mean disposable electronics, but also services.
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I strongly agree, but especially with this paragraph:

Electricity prices are rising to fund green energy, landfill taxes are massively ramped up with massive recycling drives (and government funding to do so), large areas of the country are being re-converted to nature reserves and protected areas are increasing, we have clean water.

To say nothing of our having to find space for four or more different waste bins, only to find that much of our sorted waste goes to landfill anyway.

Enough kow towing to naive greenies, for God's sake.
No , more like frustration when people can't see there is any other way but BAU and can't see when real change is being offered. The Green Party is in no way perfect , they have their faults but are in my opinion the best of an ever increasingly bad bunch.
The original question was " Did Gordon Brown save the world?" to which if we are talking the financial world then the answer leans towards yes. But saving the actual world ? Then no . Letting the banks crash and breaking free from the corporatism that we now have would have been a better option. A worldwide crash , while it might not be pleasant in the short term would save the world in a much broader sense.
No , more like frustration when people can't see there is any other way but BAU and can't see when real change is being offered. The Green Party is in no way perfect , they have their faults but are in my opinion the best of an ever increasingly bad bunch.

The green party can offer real change, by simply making up policies that won't actually work, that they won't be able to deliver, or are batshit insane (like having the government, rather than business, decide what money is invested, a solution worse than the problem it tries to solve).

When real change is not offered, you might want to ask *why*.

People offering real change, are often snake oil salesmen.
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Going green will only happen after the mad max era.

How right you are.
First film was probably the best ( despite Gibson's awful acting ) but I remember watching the second and thinking if it is set in a future where the oil is all but gone why is the main character driving round in a gas guzzling muscle car rather than something more economical such as a mini or a moped or even a bike or a horse?
'Course I realised it is really a metaphor for human society. Laziness or fear of change keeps people clinging to what they know rather than attempting to try something else. Keep doing and acting the same and everything will be just fine and dandy. It ( the film) also is probably predicting the resource wars that will most likely occur as countries try to hold onto what they have but accelerating the end by their own endeavours . How much fuel was burnt by those road warriors just to get control of one tanker of petrol.
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