Going green will only happen after the mad max era.
How right you are.
First film was probably the best ( despite Gibson's awful acting ) but I remember watching the second and thinking if it is set in a future where the oil is all but gone why is the main character driving round in a gas guzzling muscle car rather than something more economical such as a mini or a moped or even a bike or a horse?
'Course I realised it is really a metaphor for human society.
No, it's just an action film.
Laziness or fear of change keeps people clinging to what they know rather than attempting to try something else.
Wot, like the billions being spent on renewable infrastructure, billions being spent on ITER, on fuel cell technology, on rare earth (that isn't really rare) replacements.
Keep talking rot.
Keep doing and acting the same and everything will be just fine and dandy.
You mean keep investing in new tech, researching sustainable cheap fuel.
I agree, the future is bright!