For the gable...
Submit an non material amendment application (NMA). On the forms in the relevant section note the reason for the change is for design consistency as both the existing building and the rest of the street has gabled roofs and therefore the change is a design improvement. NMA's are only £34, quick, and the council don't have to reconsult with adjacent owners.
They might try to argue it is material change and therefore tell you do do a variation of condition application instead. However these cost £234 and the process is almost the same as planning, therefore instead suggest you are better to do a "free-go" resubmission planning application for free. For this you resubmit the whole application, and on the fee section select the option to make it exempt as a first resubmission. On the section where it asks if you had pre-app or consultation with the council note the already approved scheme and again note the reason for the change being sought.
The reason the NMA is favourable of the free-go is they do not have to consult or notify anyone else.
If they won't give you the NMA that cannot be appealed (I believe it can be judicial reviewed but lets put that aside), but if they refused the gable under the free-go planning submission you could appeal that to the secretary of state (free application), I would expect a win but it takes a few months to go through the process.
As you already have planning for most of what you want annoying the council has little risk as they can't take your planning away, so you could also tell them you intend to appeal if it is refused. Some councils/officers are stubborn, but others like to avoid appeals for statistic purposes and also the time they take on their part.