do we want this

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
our new hero's (weatherspool pubs )takes us into the new year with a 99p pint, and all the killjoys start to twitter on that the world as we know it will come to an end, because we will fill all the hospital beds looking for new livers :LOL: as we all turn into alco's ;) bring it on i say :LOL:
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i happen to think that drinking cheap booze at home is more likely to result in a damaged liver.

however, you are more likely to suffer a broken nose when boozing in a town centre pub.
noseall, change your pub , at 99p a pint of beer everbody will be :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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How many people honestly set their intake in what's in their wallet. Well probably the young admittedly, but I really can't see them swapping their alco pops / generic euro fizz for a pint of Greene King bitter.
alcohol manifests itself in four stages.

stage 1:

stage 2:

stage 3:

stage 4:
:eek: :eek: :eek: What a rude picture!!!

Fancy not taking your hat off indoors!
99p a pint? I tried my hand at homebrewing last year and got it down to 50p a pint! :eek:

(not including the £90 I spent on all the gear... then it's nearer £3 a pint)

It was delicious stuff, but I ended up chucking about 15 pints away (out of the 40 I made) as few people would drink it and it doesn't feel right to sit on your own trying to drain a whole barrel of beer! :LOL:
so lets get it right if its 99p a pint then everybody turnes into a alco :confused: but if you get it in a supermarket at £ 16 for 60 cans you wont , :eek:
i dont give a f### if people are that fickle
they can come to my local and get pi##ed for a tenner or sit in the house and do it for £2.66. ,
but if all the pubs shut then those of us who like pubs will have to sit in the house, but i bet you wont get 60 cans for a £16 then :cry: its the supermarkets that cause most easty led fools to be alcos not pubs.
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