Dogs Dirt!!!

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I know you don't like cats and nothing will change your mind but that is silly as you are not allowed to let monkeys loose.
Do you not see the difference?

Cat's are allowed to roam and are not controllable.

I don't like dogs but I have to put up with them.
Actually - not too keen on kids any more.
But there are lots of things I would like banned but I realise I am being unreasonable because I have to share the world with these things.
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Crapping in the garden is not my criterion for banning; other thing are far more irritating.

However, some animals do, yes: foxes, badgers etc. and birds crap all over my van.

That's life, get over it.
Squeakette and I went out for a walk yesterday (Can't believe I did that) and lo and behold, I did spot some doo doo on the pavement. So I retract my previous post saying that I hadn't seen any in my area for years.

I have come to the conclusion that it's because I drive everywhere
So what are cat owners supposed to do? Scramble through bushes and leap over fences with a plastic bag at the ready? :LOL:

Can't control 'em, banned from having 'em.

Simple as that. :D

Yes, you're quite right. When we let ours out I'll make a point of tying some string round his neck and fasten the other end to the door handle. :D
Our (ex) next door neighbours had cats that were brought up entirely indoors (in a flat, before they moved here). For several months after their arrival, they were not permitted outside and even when they were, they continued to use the indoor cat litter since they were so well trained.

This suggests that (without really allowing for the fickle and sociopathic natures of our feline friends):
1/. Cat's can have an apparent happy life without venturing out of doors,
2/. Cat's can be "trained" to keep their doo-doo's within prescribed areas.

This, one would imagine, is what Mr L. Bean would see as a happy situation. After all, most other pets have to exist within certain constraints.
I mow several lawns as part of my work and one garden in particular I need to go round first with a shovel as it's always covered.
A few months ago someone near me advertised some chicken manure on freecycle and I responded. I'd collected from the woman before but this time she said that she'd collected the dog crap as well and put it with the chicken muck :eek: I told her that it wasn't really that good for the garden and she tipped most of it out of the bin but I still ended up picking several turds out. Luckily it was dry and I probably didn't get it all but still didn't put it on food crops.
However, google composting dog muck and it is evidently possible although I'd rather not.
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