Dr who, did you see it

kendor said:
chambsesf said:
Putting aside all of the time/space continuum stuff, that Billie Piper is a piece of a55......
she's certainly got a big one! did you see the articles in the paper last week? :)

No. Is there some tabloid journalists suggesting she has an oversized glutus maximus?? Still wouldn't mind giving her a rattle....
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Just 'cos its big, doesn't mean its bad. On my first (and only) visit to Celebrity Love Island last night, Abi is the biggest and also far and away the best of the girls.....

Back to time travel though - Surely if Marty McFly goes back, splits his mum and dad up, then no Marty McFly exists, so there's no Marty to come back, so his mum and dad don't split up, so.......
jtaunton said:
Just 'cos its big, doesn't mean its bad. On my first (and only) visit to Celebrity Love Island last night, Abi is the biggest and also far and away the best of the girls.....

...but, isn't she bi-focal? I suppose that could only add to the experience. Quite agree with you though, another one I wouldn't mind getting a grip of.
It would only be impossible if you travelled back in time and changed something which would have prevented you travelling back. Obviously, this is not possible so you are assured of this small success before you set out.
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chambsesf said:
No. Is there some tabloid journalists suggesting she has an oversized glutus maximus?? Still wouldn't mind giving her a rattle....
Well the pictures did not lie in this case it was BIG!
AdamW said:
This is getting a bit Star Trek isn't it? Discussing whether or not there is a flaw or a paradox due to Dr Who's time travelling ways! :LOL: I didn't realise Dr Who fans took it so seriously, I always thought that was a monopoly of the Trekkies.

And what's wrong with Star Trek??????
:p :p
although they are dressed up with superfluous terms of technology the basis of star trek ideas have been very well researched and based on cutting edge (at the time of release) scientific research so a lot of what went on in the series could very likely happen in the not too distant future
for example there are a team of scientists who are having some success with teleportation.
kendor said:
scientific research so a lot of what went on in the series could very likely happen in the not too distant future

for example there are a team of scientists who are having some success with teleportation.

Some items have already been 're-invented' from ST: mobile phones, lap-tops, medical syringes etc.
But teleportation (Beam me up Scotty) in the near future? Perhaps with materials, but not with animals, humans or anything living. to much genes, dna etc.
WoodYouLike said:
Some items have already been 're-invented' from ST: mobile phones, lap-tops, medical syringes etc.
But teleportation (Beam me up Scotty) in the near future? Perhaps with materials, but not with animals, humans or anything living. to much genes, dna etc.
why not? they already have the human genome on record it's only a matter of getting enough storage and the way computing power gets more and more powerful and memory better and better it's not that far fetched!
Hi Kendor

I'm not saying it's to far fetched, just that we won't see it happening in the near future. I can't see them resolve the issue of getting every molecule of a living being back together in the same way/state as before the teleportation very soon

Would you want to be a guinea pig for the project :D
kendor said:
why not? they already have the human genome on record it's only a matter of getting enough storage and the way computing power gets more and more powerful and memory better and better it's not that far fetched!

Your right Kendor, it's not that far fetched at all. I also believe that travelling through space to other galaxies on star ships isn't too far away either!
Wouldn't it be great if we never had to go through all the stress of queuing at the airport ever again? - instead we (and our luggage) just 'beamed' to our holiday destination:cool: :cool: !!!

I am a real 'trekkie' (best programme on sky 1) I watch, re watch then watch them all over again :D :D
I loved the original - but my favourite of recent times has to be star trek Voyager. Captain Janeway certainly puts the other star trek Captains to shame - must be because she's a woman......... :LOL: :LOL:!!!!
Whoopps ... Now, I had two legs when I set out now have three, one eye, woo hoo three harumphs, no luggage and a response of "Sorry, new customers only..." to my complaints..
Guess we'll all pay for it, and a few get to enjoy .. Much like our dear departed Concorde ..
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