Drivers, you need to sign this......

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Softus said:
Ionkontrol said:
Not my figures, just passing on the email.
WTF? What "email"?

If that's your reasoning then I've just received a message that looks as though it was intended for you - it's offering an operation to enlarge your p**is.

Whats you problem?

An email sent to me from the Motorcyle Action Group.
Bet you cant wait for the satellite controlled car and bike ECUs?
Ionkontrol said:
Whats you problem?
I wasn't aware that I had one - I thought that you did, hence this topic.

An email sent to me from the Motorcyle Action Group.
Now we're getting down to it. MAG is a band of bigoted whinging charlatans who purport to represent the views of motorcycle riders; in order to whip up support, they prey upon riders who appear not to be able to think for themselves, hence the Email sent to you.

Well I'm a rider, and I once, naively, joined MAG, only to discover that they don't represent a single one of my views, but instead they vociferously lambasted perfectly reasonable people, insisting on the deployment of their narrow-minded and impractical "solutions" to transport problems. The fact that MAG is behind your panic about civil freedom comes as no surprise.

Bet you cant wait for the satellite controlled car and bike ECUs?
Wait, not wait. Be monitored, not be monitored. I really don't care. So you just go ahead and exhort anyone gullible enough to subscribe to your childishly paranoid view of the future, and remember that this is an open forum and I'm entitled to air my view also and to tip the scales of reason back towards common sense.
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Crafty said:
And as i've said before, the only people with anything to fear are those who are doing something wrong.

Ah...that's why there's not a single innocent person convicted, or 'stopped & searched', or 'monitored' already... :rolleyes:

Ever heard of 'profiling', of course not as you don't belong to any ethnic/political/economic/regional group that could possibly do anything wrong do you.. ;)

But I'll tell you one thing for certain..people who are suffering from the 'nothing to hide' syndrome will be the ones screaming like stuck pigs when it goes wrong and 'one of your lot' suffer an injustice!!
Ionkontrol said:
Therein lies the problem....
Oh I'd love it if you explained that one - I'm ready and waiting with a special corset to stop my sides from splitting...
Softus said:
Ionkontrol said:
Therein lies the problem....
Oh I'd love it if you explained that one - I'm ready and waiting with a special corset to stop my sides from splitting...
maybe I could give it a go then... (if only to save you a considerable hosiery bill) ;)

The reason governments (you know the type - those elected with a 22% vote) are allowed to do what they like is because there are enough people who 'couldn't care less' - because those people don't have a clue as to why certain measures might effect them, because they are so smug that they can't understand that 'having nothing to hide' doesn't make you immune from the state's excesses or inequalities...

Oh sure, 'nothing to hide' sounds a nice mantra (I'm sure you could hum a nice little ditty..), but it means absolutely nothing..

The same as the word you are about to type to attempt to belittle those who don't agree with this....go on, you know you won't be able to hold yourself back - who's the 'paranoid' one?.. ;)
What the **** is the problem if you have nothing to hide or are abiding by the laws of this country?
I'd rather have Big Brother monitoring my every move if it meant he was also looking at the mugger, paedophile, benefit fraudster, murderer, bank robber, tax evader, insurance evader, wife beater, terrorist, vandal etc etc
Anyone smugly declaring they have the nothing to fear if they dont do anything wrong, ought to consider just what they constitute as wrong. I live my life quite peacefully and charitably, but thanks to this governments non stop social meddling, and law changing, I know I now do quite a few things 'wrong' ( well in Blairs eyes - not mine )

You also have to consider if you even trust this inept government to record \ protect \ process this data; or even decide on the right computer system to use. You also have to find the extra tax and 'fees' to allow our government to spy on us.

If you think all this is fair, good and worth it - then well done - you are in the right hands.
ricicle said:
What the **** is the problem if you have nothing to hide or are abiding by the laws of this country?
I'd rather have Big Brother monitoring my every move if it meant he was also looking at the mugger, paedophile, benefit fraudster, murderer, bank robber, tax evader, insurance evader, wife beater, terrorist, vandal etc etc

The 'problem' is that those who are generally 'law abiding' tend to follow the rules, and yet get pulled up for petty offences (a money making exercise) - as opposed to those who have every intention of avoiding those penalties!..

In the same way, those who wish to object 'outside the law' tend to get away with it, but those who 'protest' lawfully against something they feel is wrong are targetted (because they are an easy target, as they comply with 'regulations..!)

Unfortunately, there are too many 'sheeple' around!!

ps...who's watching what 'big brother' is doing.. ;)
ellal said:
Your obsession with the idea of smugness has taken you far off the beaten track.

I'm not smug, I'm just certain about what I think - these are two different and distinct states of mind.

The fact that there are things that I don't care about doesn't mean that I never did - it's just that I've grown out of it. Maybe one day you will too.
Obviously Softus in name ... Softus in brain.

I'll get the last laugh when I'm safely tucked up in my overseas retreat looking back at you poor innocent fools still living in this once great country which has been driven to a crock of ****e by corrupt power crazed morons and allowed to happen by hapless fools who don't know any better ... Lambs to the slaughter.

Paying £5 to drive the mile and a half to the shops, £150 extra should you fart whilst driving, unable to get a loan because you smoke and your health records have been sold to insurance companies (the Government already allows your DVLA details to be SOLD to clamping companies against their own Data Protection Act ... And you, presumably are okay with this?), your monthly bills for auto generated speeding fines coming in quicker than you can say congestion charge ... This is all assuming, of course, that you still own a vehicle and haven't been condemned to our crap public transport system.

And, Mr "I'm okay cos I've not done anything wrong", just wait until a piece of this vast dataset is recorded in error, you can't get anyone to change it and your life is totally firked as a result ... And don't believe it doesn't happen because there are far too many examples of where it already has.

The problem with technology is it's all too easily exploited and even the independent technology experts all agree that the technology is not ready to be used in this widespread way ... Make it safe, then use it.

Also, don't be fooled into thinking that ID cards will make the World a safer place ... Security experts have already predicted that terrorism will be aided by the introduction of ID cards in this country because, once we have cards, the usual common sense human being checks will cease and we will become reliant upon the technology ... Fake card + no human sanity check = Big Boom.

I'll think about you when I'm lying on my sunbed and the US has turned the UK into a penal colony with Tony Blair as Governor.

Work hard and keep your nose clean Softus, you'll make a good trustee.
esra_ptrap said:
big big rant
It seems that you're not coping with the failure to force everyone to adopt your opinions. And make no mistake, they're no more than that - just opinions. :rolleyes:
Softus said:
The usual rubbish
Do you ever actually address the issues?...

Oh sorry, of course not - 'grown-ups' just don't care do they... ;)

still, it seems you're not alone...

A million motorists embarrass road price ministers

The Government is to press ahead with preparations for nationwide congestion charging despite the millionth signature on a petition opposing the idea.

An experiment in internet democracy, in which people were invited to place petitions on the No 10 website and vote for them by e-mail, has embarrassed ministers.

The petition calling on the Government “to scrap the vehicle tracking and road-pricing policy” was due to gain its millionth signature last night, less than three months after it was posted on the website.
ellal said:
Do you ever actually address the issues?...

Oh sorry, of course not - 'grown-ups' just don't care do they... ;)
I address the things that are important to me - these are different to the things that are important to you.

It seems to disturb you when people with different views to yours don't change their minds.

Perhaps you believe that your opinions are irrefutable fact. They're not.

Perhaps you believe that your arguments are so convincing that they can't fail to change opinion. But fail they do.

Perhaps you feel that insulting the person whom you want to agree with you is a successful ploy. That all depends on what you consider to be a successful outcome.
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