E.U fishing policy

I would think Farage didn't want or try to improve the fishing policy, or any other, for Britain - for his own ends.
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As the fisheries policy is only a small part of the bigger picture, I doubt if Farage would have thought along those lines. His main point of attack against the EU, was uncontrolled immigration. But I do think in getting paid to be an MEP, he should have turned up and done the job he was paid for.

On the other hand, look at the number of MP that seem to do very little, and the greater number of Lords, that do even less.
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They take it in turns to snooze loudly, and that helps keeps the other awake. It'a very democratic system really.
You've only got to watch you tube to see how Farage rubbed the EU's nose in it time and again .......not many other people ftom this country stood up to them.
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