I don't want to start again, but you are looking at it the wrong way round again and, I think, missing something fundamental. ... I realise that the figures are reciprocal but there is a difference in that the SB conductor is not involved in the ADS, (other than a small parallel path). This (ADS) will occur in the event of a fault to earth at an
exposed-c-p (not the extraneous which are bonded) and would occur whether the SB were in place or not.
As I think you realise, I understand all that - but i think, in turn, that you may be missing something, as well - namely the different requirements for protective device operation in the case of 'normal ADS' and in relation to SB. Mind you, as you say, it's all very 'reciprocal', in that one can look at things 'either way around'.
Can we perhaps start by agreeing that, in practice, the extraneous-c-p will have a (usually very) low impedance path to 'earth'/MET?
If so, then the touch voltage (as a result of a fault) (between exposed-c-p and extraneous c-p) to which you refer will be essentially the same as the p.d. between exposed-c-p and earth/MET. Agreed?
The requirements for 'normal ADS' are that disconnection times should be met (i.e. that fault current should be equal to at least the Ia of device) in the event of a direct short ('of negligible impedance') between L and the exposed CP. Particularly when Ze is very low, R2 could easily be more than 21.7% (50/230) of the total Zs, so that the p.d. between the exposed-c-p and the MET could easily be greater than 50V (until disconnection occurs) in an ADS-compliant circuit. Put another way, 'normal ADS' requires that disconnection times be met when the voltage between exposed-c-p and MET is above some value, but that value may well be >50V. For the purpose of the subsequent discussion, let's just guess that, in a particular situation/installation, this 'some value' is 75V.
On that basis, if you accept the initial point I made (that the touch voltage will essentially be the same as the p.d. between exposed-c-p and earth/MET), this means that 'normal ADS' disconnection time requirements would not necessarily be satisfied (i.e. fault current would be less than Ia) when the 'touch voltage' was only 50V (it might require, say, 75V). However, the regs require that SB achieves a situation in which the disconnection time requirements are met with a touch voltage (hence roughly the exposed-cp to MET p.d.) of 50V. This is a more exacting requirement than for 'normal ADS', and one way of looking at the effect of 'effective SB' is that it has to reduce the impedance of the path from exposed-cp to MET to the extent that this 'more demanding than usual' disconnection time requirement will be met.
Since, in the situation I have described, the required disconnection with a touch voltage of 50V would not occur the absence of the SB, one can look at the SB as (partially) facilitating the required disconnection (at 50V touch voltage), which is functionality we would usually call 'earthing'.
The SB limits the touch voltage between exposed and extraneous parts during this occurrence until disconnection.
This is where the reciprocity comes in. If one installs SB to reduce the exposed-cp to MET impedance such that Ia will be achieved (hence satisfactory disconnection) when the 'exposed-cp to MET' PD is only 50V (which sounds like earthing), then it will follow that the touch voltage will also be limited to 50V during the period until disconnection occurs (which sounds like bonding)...
... so I guess you can really 'pay your money and take your choice'. If you take steps to make ADS happen when exposed-cp/MET pd is only 50V (earthing) (although 'normal ADS' might only require this to happen with a pd of, say, 75V) you will automatically have also limited the touch voltage to 50V (bonding). If you take steps to limit touch voltage to 50V (bonding), you will also have caused disconnection to occur when the exposed-cp/MET pd is lower than 'usual' (75V or whatever) for ADS (earthing)
Kind Regards, John