Electrical hum/buzz upstairs

Right, turned off everything on consumer unit, noise still there.

- could be plumbing/HW cylinder? (It is a constant high pitch whine that is there regardless of if CH/HW is on or not though)
- could be smoke alarms (wired, but with battery backup)
- could be boiler timer control unit downstairs (also has battery backup)
- its not bees, or aliens etc
- a bug planted by the government!

Maybe the electricity meter outside? No way to isolate that I guess.
Right, turned off everything on consumer unit, noise still there.

- could be plumbing/HW cylinder? (It is a constant high pitch whine that is there regardless of if CH/HW is on or not though)
- could be smoke alarms (wired, but with battery backup) remove battery to eliminate
- could be boiler timer control unit downstairs (also has battery backup) remove battery to eliminate
- its not bees, or aliens etc
- a bug planted by the government! It could be 'The Hum' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hum

Maybe the electricity meter outside? No way to isolate that I guess. Stick your head next it surely it would be louder?
Can your missus hear it?
Checked smoke detectors - doesn't appear to be from them.

Not removed the battery from the Drayton LP722 timer yet, but if it's just a coin battery for time/date memory, can't believe its the cause of the noise. It is relatively loud.

I'm wondering if it might be from the meter outside at the side the house? Opened it up, and couldn't here anything outside, but maybe it is coming from in between the meter and consumer unit? (would that go upstairs though?)

The other source could be the plumbing. It is a continuous and consistent sound that appears to be there even when CH/HW is not on.

Its a lockdown mystery!
Ok might have a go at isolating the water side at weekend.

I think it's an underground electrical supply by the looks of it.

No, it's not a vibrator.
Turned off the water supply, and open a tap in kitchen to drain - noise still there.

Out of desperation I closed my eyes, and tried to locate just by hearing. Sounded lower down this time.

By chance, I picked up a cat toy off the landing floor, and the noise stopped!

Turned out it was an electronic bird cat toy that is supposed to chirp when tapped by cat. Battery must have been on way out, and emitted a constant high pitched tone. Bloody animals!

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