Just read the following announcement over on the IET website:
Further information http://www.theiet.org/media/pressreleases/20070131_1.cfmIET website said:It's been recently announced that the mains supply voltage in the UK is to be adjusted; prior to 1995 the offical public electricity supply volatage in the UK was 240 volts, this was reduced to 230 volts to harmonise with the EU, however due to the tolerances allowed the volatage in 95% of the country hasn't changed in practice and remains at or around 240 volts.
The latest proposal, prompted by a dwindling number of operational generating stations is to adjust this nearer to 230 volts to better match the offical voltage, this will go someway to reducing consumption as devices like light bulbs comsume less at lower voltages. Similar methods have already proved effective at reduceing demand in times of stretched supplies in other parts of Europe.
While keeping the lights on is the motivating factor behind this move, it will also have distinct advantages in terms of green-ness as the power taken by devices such as light bulbs and electric heaters will fall by just under ten percent, another important advantage is that since the harmonisation most light bulbs in this country are manufacturered to run on 230 volts and when used on 240 volts they fail to achieve optimum lifespans it is expected that the change will help reduce waste by ensureing light bulbs last longer.
The first changes are expected to be made in early June and it is hoped that 85% of the country will be switched over by the end of the year.