Even worse than it looks

I can envisage the council rehousing her and siblings somewhere bigger and better at the taxpayers expense.
thats a foregone conclusion,
and a home bred waster will no doubt have to wait 7 years to get a council/housing association house.
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what is HMO and what legal obligation do you have. surely you can only be stating half the facts...
We currently have 9 residents in total made up of 2 single people, a mother/son, a married couple and the aforementioned mother/2children.

This is the maximum number of people that we are allowed to have as tenants under the House on Multiple Occupancy (HMO) Licence issued to us by the council. If we go over this number, then we would be open to being fined up to £20000 for being in breach.

Therefore, if this woman decides she wants to have another child, or to have a husband, then we are legally obliged to reduce the number of tenants to suit. In this case, since it is down to her lifestyle choices, then she will have to bear the brunt.
If you divide 163 billion budget deficit by 365 days you get £446, 575, 342

That's nearly 450 million pounds borrowed every day of the week.

So the 6 billion cuts that Osbourne is proposing is just 2 weeks of the year we don't have to borrow - for the other 49 weeks we borrow four and a half billion pounds a week and stick the 147 billion price tag onto the £900 billion we already owe - so we will owe over a trillion pounds. So when are we going to pay that off? Never. We will default on our debt just as surely as Greece will.

We can't even halt the borrowing never mind pay off the debt.
I wasn't suggesting a fix! You mis-understood the post, read the OP. The question was raised "where did it go?" and that explains some of it.


Obviously hit a nerve though, so what pointless state funded position do you hold? :LOL:
I took you comment "So that's a start" to mean a start at saving money by getting rid of the million pointless jobs. My mistake, you were just pointing out how some of the deficit had arisen.

As for your last snide comment, I did work in local government for 15 years, but that ended over 30 years ago. I was in several teams charged with improving efficiency and saving money; and we were not always popular, especially with the top brass when we said some of them were unnecessary. ;)

I am retired now, so your comment was wide of the mark. :rolleyes:
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Now come on chaps. Let's not worry about the National Debt or how we are going to pay for it. Leave that up to those nice Treasury people. I'm sure they have a cunning plan. ;) ;) ;) ;)