The main issue this planet is facing is not that of evolution but that of over population.
Advanced societies are reaching the point where they have negative or neutral population growth, which is where we as a planet need to be.
Unfortunately in the 3rd world and I include the UK in this case population is increasing with out the resources to sustain.
The UK should take a leaf out of china's book and limit family size, though 2 rather than 1 might be more acceptable.
I read somewhere that taking into account the animal populations on the planet there should be a maximum of 100 million humans
Maybe we need a few more wars or a couple of plagues
Advanced societies are reaching the point where they have negative or neutral population growth, which is where we as a planet need to be.
Unfortunately in the 3rd world and I include the UK in this case population is increasing with out the resources to sustain.
The UK should take a leaf out of china's book and limit family size, though 2 rather than 1 might be more acceptable.
I read somewhere that taking into account the animal populations on the planet there should be a maximum of 100 million humans
Maybe we need a few more wars or a couple of plagues