Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

It was a simple question. You like to tie others down to yes, or no, but never answer anything yourself.
No I don’t

But you’re using it to deflect from throwing the term “tin foil hatter” around.

It’s not a real question.
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It’s not a real question.
It is a claim by others, a dishonest claim, that sets them apart in peddling mistruths and lies. I think they are tinfoil hatters.
It is a claim by others, a dishonest claim, that sets them apart in peddling mistruths and lies. I think they are tinfoil hatters.
Anyone including me who hasn’t had the vaccine is a tin foil hatter to you.
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if you think the vaccine is more dangerous than covid -then you are a tin foil hatter
if you think covid is just a mild virus -then you are a tin foil hatter
if you refuse to admit that the vaccine is far safer than risk of covid -then you are a tin foil hatter
And you can agree with all of that, but decline the vaccine.

Just say, prefer to take your chances without it.

Agree with the evidence but decline the vaccine.

But then tell us why you take other vaccines
I've already said no to that. It is the lies and stupid excuses that set them apart. Some people think the covid scam is a cover up for an alien invasion. I know, mad as a box of frogs.
Fair enough. I didn’t feel the need to take the vaccine. And don’t bother with a flu one either.

And doubt I ever will
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