What are YOU trying to achieve, seems to me that it is to boost trust in the conservative government and pharmaceutical companies- who's very existence is predicated on profit. Do you not have any questions on how all of this panned out - no questions on the revolving door from regulators to executives in pharmaceutical companies. Can you not -- did you not -- could you not smell ANYTHING !. Those who did not want THIS vax could smell something and had questions - they are not murderers covidiodiots and all the other tropes some people maintain.
Do you trust implicitly every thing you are and were told by your Borris lead government. --- Yeh yeh you trust the science but the Gov science advisers have come out in the enquiry saying they did not agree with what the gov were saying and did not advise them this /that or the other.
So this is not just about you but all the others who it seems will go to their coincidental heart attack graves defending. --- Why - what are you trying to achieve.
Some of us could see - could smell that rat - had a feeling we were not being properly informed about everything - were being controlled by gov "nudge" units and worse. Its not nut jobs - its not anti vexers its just healthy people with questions not trusting the Gov.
What is your skin in the game - are you a conservative supporter - do you and the others have shares in the pharma industry. What are you hiding - why are yo defending the Gov. Why are you doing their dirty, dodgy work for them.
You are conflating opportunistic profiteering with conspiracy theories.
You conveniently forget during most of 2020 the world faced a nasty virus with no vaccine.
Yes we know perfectly well there are questions to be asked about Pharmas influence on regulatory approval, govt contracts etc….but the fact remains the vaccine played a huge part in allowing life to return to normal and saved millions of lives.
yes we know the vaccine has led to deaths and side effects, but we also know the benefits outweighed the benefits for the vast majority of the population.