Thanks for your insights. I am currently suffering from information overload!I am also with Octopus and for the same day where you had 174 consumption mine was 54. Whilst our houses are different sizes mine is a 2 bed bungalow (1960’s) which has a large kitchen/dining extension. Our loft has at least 300mm insulation, DG, gas combi boiler with 7 rads and 2 towel rails. Our fireplace has been boarded up.
The biggest difference is turning off the heating at night. Ours is set to 15 degrees at 11pm but the lounge rarely drops below 17 by morning. We have the temps gradually ramping up during the day starting at 17 then rising to 20 by evening as we are generally doing chores etc during the morning/early afternoon.
We are at home all day and if I remember I turn the heating off if we are intending to be out (I rarely remember). We have found its best to have all the rooms heated as it does limit heat loss throughout the property. The boiler is in the kitchen.
Things I have learnt so far is to:
1) Block up the fireplace. This seems to be the primary source of heat loss.
2) I turned of the early start function in the Tado heating system yesterday on all my radiators. So far, this has reduced my gas usage quite a bit today.
3) For days where it's only me at home, instead of heating just my study, I am turning down all heating and instead using an electric heater to avoid cycling the boiler and wearing it out.
I still need to:
1) Do a consumption test on the boiler
2) check if there is some way to connect the Vaillant boiler's ebus controls to my Tado system.