extending ring

ok, to DIY safely you will need...

a copy of the regs and a copy of the on site quide.. ( about £100 for both )

A copy of the regs :eek:

I'd say that to extend the ring he needs

some 2.5 cable
some back boxes
some sockets
some grommets
some plugs and screws
something to cut the boxes out with
a bit of common sense
perhaps one of those plug in socket testers
earth sleeve
cable sheathing/channel
screwdrivers and pliers

Consider, if the OP's current installation is safe, and he just copies it, then the new work can not be unsafe , can it?
don't know..

does the current install have rcd's?
will the new cables need rcd's?
is the Zs going to be low enough with the added length of the ring?

and so on..
ok, to DIY safely you will need...

a copy of the regs and a copy of the on site quide.. ( about £100 for both )

A copy of the regs :eek:

I'd say that to extend the ring he needs

some 2.5 cable
some back boxes
some sockets
some grommets
some plugs and screws
something to cut the boxes out with
a bit of common sense
perhaps one of those plug in socket testers
earth sleeve
cable sheathing/channel
screwdrivers and pliers

Consider, if the OP's current installation is safe, and he just copies it, then the new work can not be unsafe , can it?

BUt in reality, what he probably will have is:-

some cable - might be 2.5, but whatever comes to hand will do.
some back boxes
some sockets - prob second hand, been in the garage for years.
some grommets - haha, unlikely
some plugs and screws - or a tube of grip fill, oh sod it, this caulk will do
some thing to cut boxes out with - knife and fork, but not from the best set, Mrs. will go nuts!
A bit of common sense - or some random info from a web site
perhaps one of those socket testers - probably not bother with that, eh?
earth sleeve - don't worry about it, its only the earth
cable sheathing/channel - ooohh, a sheath and some chanel (No.5?) sounds like the start of a good night
screwdrivers and pliers - jewellers screwdriver, bread knife

Consider, if the OP was doing this with a disregards for regulation, i would not be so bold as to guess it was safe.
I think it's a little far-fetched to assume that he has no proper tools whatsoever, but overall the mistakes and inconsistencies in his posts don't indicate a good enough understanding:
Am i allowed to extend a ring main in my house, i wish to power up my conservatory once it is finished and it is convenient to extend two sockets from the dining room, also, i wish to power up my shed so i thought about fitting a garage consumer unit on to the ring and then use armoured cable to the shed and another consumer unit in there, the shed would then be protected and also the outside cable would be protected, also does any one know the typical cost to replace the consumer unit in the house? we still have the original wire fuses and there is no spares for any future projects.
I have done some research and it looks like extending the ring is notifiable, i am quite capable of working out what is safe and what isn't, but as usual safe may not comply with the regulations. Where do i find the guidelines as to what is and isn't good practice when extending or altering an existing property, i am more concerned with safety than regulations (though looking at the new radial method of fitting sockets, i fail to see how this is the safest method, the line to the first socket could really take some stick?)Is there some guidelines i can download?
Well, the whole point of DIY is just that, if i feel i can do the job, safely and within guidelines of accepted practice and is not notifiable then i want to do it myself, adding sockets and fitting fused spurs to an existing ring is not notifiable, so all i have to do is follow best practice, which is just what any electrician will do? or will he? maybe he will follow best pocket filler? I on the other hand like things perfect.
Sometimes i don't understand this forum, surely the diy'er wants to do the job himself, forums like this are surley there to give practical advice on how to go about doing the job properly, therfore i intend to add sockets to my ring and leave the shed untill i have a new cu fitted. in the meantime i'll use an extension lead (thats safe).

And then after asking more than once about guidelines, he was given them, and his reaction was:
I am going to unsubscribe, this aint what i thought it was all about,
it was only intended to be a light hearted retort to woody, maybe a touch flippant. No need to dwell too much on this.
BTW i agree with your assessment of his mistakes and self contradictions.

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