At what point was he in danger? Every motor bike rider is in greater danger every day they go out. He was in a carbon fibre tub, he had a full harness, he had a roll bar, he could have had the same crash a hundred times with the same results. The track was designed safe, the car was designed safe and the driver didn't seem concerned in the least. He was never in danger. If you think he was - tell me at what point.
At the point where he hit the other car, at that point he had no control over his car, he was just a passenger as they say, no ones mentioned it upto now but while in the air he hit the DHL advertising hoarding, imagine hitting that helmet on, he landed upside down on the roll hoop, yes i know they are tested with some serious tonnage but maybe just maybe this was the one to fail, all the weight would be on his helmet and neck. Imagine the car never righted itself and slid all that way on the roll hoop, how much of it do you think would of been left, not much IMO. The car could of burst into flames, he could of been knocked unconscious, who would activate his 60secs air supply, shall i keep going?