Farage Kent Coast discuss

No he isn't, like most normal thinking people he doesn't want our country being invaded by people we don't want here. Absolutely shameful the way our gov is turning a blind eye to this.

good on farage for reporting what is happening.

utter hogwash
Farages only motivation is self interest.

go tell me what Farage is doing about it?
hint: Its *** all, its just self promotion -which youve fallen for.
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There's been an invasion of Britain's beaches.
Migrants from all over the country are spreading a deadly infection.
Where's Nigel Farage to draw attention to this outrage?

Then you are talking about things that used to happen many years ago.

UK is not a religious state and it does not have a dominance of religious laws.
No-one suggested that there is a dominance of religious laws.

The history of UK, and England derives from the influence of religion. Or at least that was the pretence for some various internal conflicts.
You cannot rewrite history to erase the influence of religion.
And as I keep repeating, the C of E representatives still have an influence in the legislative assembly. Even after any reformation of the Lords, that influence will remain.
Being a criminal i would first and foremost be a successful one to which i would plough my resources into paving my way before i execute a well thought out plan ....
Whats your point?

If my ass was being peppered with lead bucket bombs mustard gas IED's etc then i may well be just relieved to make it to a peaceful country.
So you would have a plan to escape to a country of your choosing? You would do some research and preparation before executing your plan.
That is my point. Refugees are no different to your imagined criminal existence.

Being relieved to escape the war torn environment does not equate to applying for asylum, bearing in mind that not all refugees are escaping war. There are other reasons to escape the country that you were born in.
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And as I keep repeating, the C of E representatives still have an influence in the legislative assembly.

You mean some Bishops. Where does the former Chief Rabbi sit? Where does Baron Ahmed sit?

Zac Goldsmith is an Old Etonian who failed at the ballot box. His Old Etonian buddy gave him membership of the HoL. You'll agree that Old Etonians have a disproportionate influence in the legislative assembly which outweighs that of any religious group.
You mean some Bishops. Where does the Chief Rabbi sit?

Both have interests.

Zac Goldsmith is an Old Etonian who failed at the ballot box. His Old Etonian buddy gave him membership of the HoL. You'll agree that Old Etonians have a disproportionate influence in the legislative assembly which outweighs that of any religios group.
Sure the Chief Rabbi sits in the House of Lords, but it is an appointment given personally to him, not reserved specifically for a Chief Rabbi.
He is no longer the Chief Rabbi, but he hasn't relinquished his seat in the H of L.
Whereas the representatives of the C of E are specifically reserved seats for those representatives.

Your argument about Old Etonians is accepted, but not relevant to whether England is a non-secular country.
So you would have a plan to escape to a country of your choosing? You would do some research and preparation before executing your plan.
That is my point. Refugees are no different to your imagined criminal existence.

Being relieved to escape the war torn environment does not equate to applying for asylum, bearing in mind that not all refugees are escaping war. There are other reasons to escape the country that you were born in.
Read my response if i was a refugee i think my plan would be to just find somewhere peaceful don't care where, as long as my family is safe.

If i was a criminal with time and planning of course i'd go somewhere suited to my criminal lifestyle where the police automatically sh't/submit themselves to the IOPC for full investigation the moment they've looked at someone 'foreign looking', i'd stay in the UK then (y)
There's been an invasion of Britain's beaches.
Migrants from all over the country are spreading a deadly infection.
Where's Nigel Farage to draw attention to this outrage?

What are you smoking can i have some?

Nobody is disputing that boats are arriving, what is being pointed out is Farage's motivation: he is appealing to his Xenophobic base for self publicity

If you think Farage has a different motivation, please do tell.

Oh and Ive noticed Festive made any attempt to provide a solution, rather like Farage -the only interest is pointing out it is happening.

OK the whole Fishing bs with Farage was he Xenophobic against foreign fishermen? Foreign Fish maybe or just frustrated about the lack of equal rights for the British Fishermen?
I like Farage because he says it how it is.. he doesn't shy away from what needs to be said sometimes, what shouldn't be hushed under the carpet and avoided.
If you believe i'm part of Farage's Xenophobic crowd then so be it :D

Solution. I would first of course highlight and question why Refugee's need to spend so much time effort and risk travelling to the UK when there are so many EU countries that should be there to welcome these people, what's missing how do we fix this. That would be my first question as PM to the EU nations.
It should NEVER be ok for Boats to be knowingly permitted by French authorities to leave their shores and invade ours and or be distracted by it, how much does it cost us in rescues and patrols distractions of our services each time one of these boats is in trouble or ends up on our beaches.
At the very least be honest and queue them up at the French port and announce 'these people wish to travel to the UK' instead of spinelessly letting them boat it across.

The only winners here are criminals as i'm sure many once here are pulled into slavery and other mule type activities to earn money.
Farage was the man who was appointed to the EU fisheries committee, and only turned up to one meeting out of 42 in three years.

Waste of space.

i wonder if he only claimed one salary payment?

No, of course I don't.

"The Brexit Party leader should know that if we leave the EU with no deal, we will have no agreement over many issues, including fishing. Norway and Iceland can stop illegal fishing in their waters because they have negotiated a treaty with the EU that protects their fishing interests, something the UK will lack if we crash out with no deal. "
Notch has a closed mind. (y)
No, just a bit of common sense.

Perhaps you might like to come up with a plausible explanation why Farage is bothering to make a fuss over refugees landing on our shores

Farage is all about publicity not doing any actual work....fishing for example, as John D mentions.
i was a refugee i think my plan would be to just find somewhere peaceful don't care where, as long as my family is safe.

Until you're in that situation is hard to know what you'd do.
Read my response if i was a refugee i think my plan would be to just find somewhere peaceful don't care where, as long as my family is safe.

If i was a criminal with time and planning of course i'd go somewhere suited to my criminal lifestyle where the police automatically sh't/submit themselves to the IOPC for full investigation the moment they've looked at someone 'foreign looking', i'd stay in the UK then (y)
You are funny, festive. You either totally lack any imagination or empathy, or you are playing 'that role' intentionally.

Let's assume there are multiple different types of criminals. Some master criminals plan their escape, fully prepare even before committing the crime, then they nonchalantly tell everyone they're off on holiday to Spain, while boarding a plane to South America, in a first class seat.
Other criminals, however, are not so clever, they leg it out of the bedroom window at the last minute, wearing just their boxer shorts.

Being a refugee is similar, there are intelligent refugees, who even see the way the wind is blowing (so to speak) weeks, months even years before, and fully prepare for an exit, telling everyone that their off to visit their sick Grandmother for a few days.
Other refugees are like the last minute criminals, legging it out of the window with barely a dime to their name.

All of the refugees that make it as far as France, are educated, have funds, are prepared and have bought most of their way to that point. They have contacts in UK to where they plan to go. In many cases, the family have funded the appointed individual or individuals because of their ingenuity and courage, leaving the rest of the family to suffer whatever plight might befall them.

But you see yourself as 'the master criminal' and all refugees as 'last minute leg it out the window' type.
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