But you agree you might have displayed homophobic tendencies by including the comment, even if in jest? Just because it's lighthearted doesn't stop it being potentially homophobic.
But you are accusing refugees of 'swanking off' to a new life in UK, without due reason, or only in the event of war, and only at the last minute without any planning or forethought. There are a multitude of other reasons for refugees.
So that you can talk about refugees, how they 'must' claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive in, without challenge?
How you can suggest they ought to be grateful to claim asylum in the first safe country because they escaped with bullets, IEDs etc exploding around them?
How the countries nearest to the source of refugees should shoulder the burden of those refugees, so they don't bother you. Or alternatively, other countries, except the UK, should host all the refugees.