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Shame he has to bank with Nat west and not coutts you mean

Coots his owned by Nat west

Although 37% is owned by the tax payer

I don’t care we’re farage banks

Nowt to do with it

Way I see it farage has done every one a favour by exposing What a bunch of ***k eads actually run these banks
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Way I see it farage has done every one a favour by exposing What a bunch of ***k eads actually run these banks
Imagine not being good enough to bank with a bunch of díck heads. Mind you, they summed up forridge quite well... "..he was regarded as "xenophobic and racist" and a former "fascist"..."
This thread and all in it, is to do with Coutts telling him to do one, lol. Have you been asleep boyo (rhetorical).

Toxic dross. Good riddance. Probably laundered money from spivs.

Wind yer neck in

Your bile and hatred always comes to the for in these threads

So at least these types of threads gives you some we’re to vent yer anger / hatred
Wind yer neck in

Your bile and hatred always comes to the for in these threads

So at least these types of threads gives you some we’re to vent yer anger / hatred
Take it up with Coutts, boyo. I find the whole thing hilarious.

. he was regarded as "xenophobic and racist" and a former "fascist". Coutts words not mine.
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Imagine not being good enough to bank with a bunch of díck heads. Mind you, they summed up forridge quite well... "..he was regarded as "xenophobic and racist" and a former "fascist"..."

Seek anger mananagement therapy :ROFLMAO:
Nige is the one lagging. He gets to watch the coutts management team squirm, will likely bring a damages claim and will be treated with the respect any customer deserves when he deposits his millions.

You cannot knock his ability to make PR. What sort of idiot put such bile and hatred in to print?

Do they not have risk and legal departments.

Easy peasy claim for nige
Nige is the one lagging. He gets to watch the coutts management team squirm, will likely bring a damages claim and will be treated with the respect any customer deserves when he deposits his millions.

You cannot knock his ability to make PR.
I'm sure natwest will look after him.

Why should he expect to keep an account at coutts if he doesn't meet the criteria
I'm sure natwest will look after him.

Why should he expect to keep an account at coutts if he doesn't meet the criteria
They wrote a defamatory document about him and dropped him because someone doesn’t like so called Thatcherite politics.

Nige is no more a racist than stomzy who they are happy to have as a client.
Take it up with Coutts, boyo. I find the whole thing hilarious.

. he was regarded as "xenophobic and racist" and a former "fascist". Coutts words not mine.

Coutts have made a very public and grovelling apology for those words for which they will likely be the subject of a defamation case.
They have basically made a public declaration that they are a bunch of c***s.
What does that make you?
In a letter to Mr Farage, she said: “I am writing to apologise for the deeply inappropriate comments about yourself.” She added: “I would like to make it clear that they do not reflect the view of the bank.”

Mr Farage said he welcomed the apology, but believed Dame Alison had been forced into it by the Treasury. On his GB News show, he said he was “going to find out” if she leaked his banking information to the BBC.

“On July 3, you were having dinner sitting next to the BBC’s economics correspondent Simon Jack,” he said, pointing out that the journalist rang him the next morning and posted on Twitter that his account had been closed because there was not enough money in it.

The BBC put that out, and many in the media accepted that version,” he added. “Mr Jack, for some reason, seems to have gone to ground today and hasn’t backtracked from it.

“Can I ask you, Dame Alison, was it you? Was it you that breached my private client banking confidentiality? Was it you that told Simon Jack that?

“Well, I’m going to find out, because today I’ve put in another subject access request, this time to NatWest bank and in particular I’m looking for any personal correspondence, Dame Alison, that concerns me. So in 30 days time, we’ll know the absolute truth.”

ON JUNE 29, Nigel Farage announced that all his accounts had been closed by his bank and that he was unable to open one with any other. No explanation had been given by the bank, which he did not name, but he speculated that it was for reasons connected to his role in Brexit, and his general political views.
The exclusion from the financial system of one of the most significant figures in British politics is surely an important story, but there was no mention of the event by the BBC until July 4 – five days after the story had broken – when they reported that the account with Coutts was closed for ‘falling below the wealth limit’.
Why did the BBC not report Farage’s announcement? It is hard to avoid the conclusion that they were co-ordinating with the bank and published only when they had got their story together. They did not report the initial event because this might create sympathy for Farage, and raise questions about the politicisation (really weaponisation) of banking, so they needed to wait for a plausible ‘hang out’ of the issue that could draw its sting.
The solution they found handily steered away concerns about bank politicisation, while enabling them to write a headline which would confirm any prejudices their readers had that Farage was somehow dubious, and allow the conclusion that the banks were behaving correctly and this was a problem of his making. Something he deserved, probably.
But, hey, maybe the BBC story was true and they were just spending those five days doing hyper-diligent journalism? Fact-checking and countering disinformation takes time and effort: if you’re a distinguished broadcaster you can’t be just shooting off stories from the hip to suit your political narrative!
<rolls on the floor laughing>
Yep, it turns out that their story was a pack of lies. Presumably it came as a surprise to the BBC, if they were still paying any attention, that Farage was able to access Coutts’s documentation of his case, which showed the reasons were indeed purely political. What was the political problem? Well, as always these days, everything is one thing: Brexit, Russia, racism, vaccine scepticism, climate denial, non-hatred of Trump, friendship with Djokovic, BLM, trans . . . they’re all in the dossier, referenced extravagantly. Among many genuine shockers in an astonishing exposure of the thought-policing investigation of Farage,

he is accused of the crime of describing Grant Shapps as ‘globalist’ – a term, Coutts say, whose use ‘has associations with anti-Semitism and the far right’.

It’s a litany of violations of dogma, a case-study in totalitarianism the like of which even three years ago would be found only in fiction – yes, literally 1984 – or salutary histories of Stalinist regimes. The validity of Farage’s positions is not even considered, of course, because it doesn’t matter. What his views signal, how they smell told Coutts the only thing that matters: Farage is not in the Party. He is an outsider, a dissident, a kulak, a capitalist-roader, a Goldsteinist, the enemy who every right-thinking, inclusive, kind citizen-warrior knows must be destroyed before they can open their mouth.
The debanking of Farage is scandalous enough of itself. As he points out, in effect this excludes him from society – how can he be paid for work, make purchases, have any kind of normal life? This kind of shadowy threat is redolent of the worst machinations of totalitarianism, not just for its effect on Farage but for the message it sends that anyone might be cut off from society and the economy, rendered unable to feed their children, if they step over lines which they cannot see.
The apparent active involvement of the BBC in smoothing over the issue and diverting public attention by publishing a report which served to undermine Farage, but which was completely false, is sinister in the extreme and tells of a far greater nexus of power than a politically-correct subsidiary bank. At time of writing yesterday afternoon the story remained uncorrected on the BBC website. The national broadcaster has been caught red-handed generating pure propaganda with the clear intention of legitimising and facilitating the punishment by their regime of a prominent politician that opposes it.
What happens next will be interesting. The Home Secretary, no less, has weighed in on Farage’s side, demanding action from banks. Things are coming to a head – will this result in any material change that prevents political debanking in future? Or perhaps it will be sufficient for banks, for example, to promise to work hard to address the problem of debanking – as long as it is consistent with their mission of inclusiveness, of course. If I worked at Coutts and saw the coverage so far, I’d probably think we’d done the right thing. I certainly wouldn’t feel any dread at being caught in something bad or which would have serious consequences. On the contrary, I might begin to think this was going quite well and that the bank’s political stock could rise. Suella Braverman and the current government might puff and blow but the removal of Liz Truss suggests there may now be greater powers in British society and politics, and anyone who wants to get ahead will know that and act accordingly.
They wrote a defamatory document about him and dropped him because someone doesn’t like so called Thatcherite politics.

Nige is no more a racist than stomzy who they are happy to have as a client.
Plus he didn't meet their account requirements of course.
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