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The "any" is contingent on the "when". Clear meaning.

Sorry you write things (that, when pointed out) you claim not to mean.
or you could just say thanks for clarifying.

there was nothing ambiguous in my use of the determiner any. You just jumped to the conclusion that I think wealthy people deserve respect.
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perhaps you'd like to offer your expert legal advice to the bank. They seem to be short of decent legal representation and governance.

now that would be funny.

Breach of confidentiality
probably breach of contract.
may even be an unfair terms claim.

I'll let you read up on those before continuing.
I could not give a hoot if Coutts get sued and lose. What made me smile was their brutal honesty..."disingenuous grifter...fascist....Trump lover....etc"
Who ever wrote that has got some neck, but hats off, summed poor old Nige up, beautifully.
I really hope he does sue (he won't, he cant).
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I could not give a hoot if Coutts get sued and lose. What made me smile was their brutal honesty..."disingenuous grifter...fascist....Trump lover....etc"
'Disingenuous grifter' does have a ring to it.
Made me larf, any road.
Nowt to do with a sudden change of heart.

Think of it like speeding; just because "everyone else" does it, doesn't mean you won't be pulled up for it.

Lie with the dogs, don't be surprised if you get fleas ;)

So why the apology than
From a little reading, you can see that he met the commercial criteria and that they took steps to engineer him down, so they could tick the box.
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