Farmers Fury

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Wait and see. Trade overcomes everything.

I can tell you what will happen: the UK will reduce trade barriers by dismantling Brexit bit by bit.

you are right, trade does overcome everything, it will keep pushing to get better access to our biggest trade partner with a market of $16 trillion.
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Hindsight. Your favourite. You need to try foresight now and again. Obviously based on you lot constantly moaning that we were all not better off the day after Brexit. I told you, it’ll take time!
we (and you) were told it would be from day 1. It is on!y fair to see some immediate benefits.

but how much time do you think ? 5, 10, 20, 50 years ?
The lazy ****s are lucky to have a job in the current economic climate. Greedy bastards the lot of 'em.

Mottie says: “I want Brexit so British people can have better paid jobs”

Mottie says “I don’t want British people to be paid decent wages, lazy bastards”

Im glad we cleared that up.
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The eu share of the worlds markets is falling from 16% to around 14% now and set to fall to 12% by 2030.
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The eu share of the worlds markets is falling from 16% to around 14% now and set to fall to 12% by 2030.

I don't object to underdeveloped countries catching up. Why do you?
The eu share of the worlds markets is falling from 16% to around 14% now and set to fall to 12% by 2030.
That's a big rock you dropped in the pool - can you back it up with a link, or is it your opinion?
Not at all, Britain without the constraints of eu market law can take advantage of these emerging markets if the will was there. Unfortunately we're saddled with this inept lot of politicians and civil servants.
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From the article:
"There is no single estimate, but two separate IMF figures say the EU’s share (including the UK) of the global economy is around either 16% or 22% in 2017. That share has been decreasing and is expected to continue doing so. One estimate for 2030 says it could fall to around 12% (assuming the UK is no longer part of the EU)."

That link is five years old and since we've left the EU - amidst a pandemic and war in Ukraine - i'd be interested to see if the data has changed.

Things never stay the same.
I remember Tony Blair wanting the the eus empire to extend into the middle east and Cameron went on about some Urals.
Make of that what you will.
Some on here think the eu is just a benign fluffy bear.
Our local shops have less produce than the local Tesco/ JS stores.

Some are saying the lack of produce is because the supermarkets are trying to screw down the price.
Mottie says: “I want Brexit so British people can have better paid jobs”

Mottie says “I don’t want British people to be paid decent wages, lazy bastards”

Im glad we cleared that up.
Haven't got any EU nationals coming in and working for peanuts and dragging down the railworkers wages have we? What's wrong with closing off other trades or industries to cheap imported slave EU labour?

Hey, how about the railworkers swapping salaries and working conditions with construction workers? I know one lot would swap - what lot do you think it would be?
I can tell you what will happen: the UK will reduce trade barriers by dismantling Brexit bit by bit.
I've no problem with removing trade barriers - its all the rest of it that the common market morphed into bit by bit over the years that I objected to.
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