Feb 14th

masona said:
securespark said:
Nah!! Go to Morrisons!

12 red roses, £4.99. No sweat.
Don't forget to take the label off, cheapskate ;) :LOL:

Trouble is, I did just that!!

J was not impressed, so I made a quick gag about how they were actually half-price............funnily enough, I didn't get my oats........
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Have you managed to retrieve all the thorns from your backside yet? ;)

Simon, there's only one thing for it... Lay on the Barry White, the Walrus of Love. Economy-sized chap with a beard? Nuff said. Just take a deep breath and say "I'm warmth in the winter, shade in the summer" in your best Barry White soul voice. :LOL:
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It was "cuddly chap with a beard", but I didn't think it would be the done thing for a chap to call another chap "cuddly" on Valentine's... my cocaine-nippled thai ladyboy might get jealous.