Figure of Speech

pi**ed as a fart. :confused:
squeeze some cheese
s'trouble at mill.
like s**t off a shovel
knock me down with a feather.
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Crumpet will draw ye further than powder`ll blow ye :eek: F***my old boots. Harder than a whoores heart.....Colder than a welldiggers arse
as useless as a ashtray on a motorbike,or a choculate teapot.

Run a marathon ,He couldn't run a bath
bald as a badger

bent as a nine-bob note

it's all gone tits up
splinter said:
bent as a nine-bob note
Wondered how long before it cropped up! :D :D :D
I was going to post it myself earlier but got distracted by a phone call and forgot!
As much good as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest
"Six of one and half a dozen of the other"

"It's as broad as it's long"

"Makes no odds to me"

"Flogging a dead horse"

"p*ssing in the wind"
Richardp said:
straight as a die

Any idea which of these dice or dies .. (that is awkward !) is being referenced?

pl. dies A device used for cutting out, forming, or stamping material, especially:
An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.
One of several component pieces that are fitted into a diestock to cut threads on screws or bolts.
A part on a machine that punches shaped holes in, cuts, or forms sheet metal, cardboard, or other stock.
A metal block containing small conical holes through which plastic, metal, or other ductile material is extruded or drawn.

pl. dies Architecture. The dado of a pedestal, especially when cube-shaped.

pl. dice
A small cube marked on each side with from one to six dots, usually used in pairs in gambling and in various other games.
dice (used with a sing. verb) A game of chance using dice.

I am thinking this one .. 'any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material' This would generally be a very accurate tool or piece.
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