Film: The taking of Flight 847

10 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
Watching it currently on channel 5, many thoughts I already had have been brought home.

This is a 1988 film, long before 9/11. I know it's fiction.

But these lines:

"America kills our own without thought"

"Which religion murders more, Islam or Christanity?"

"Ask why there is war? America is the reason"

Forethought long before it's time? Come on George W, any answers?
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When you look at the world as a (w)hole ... Man strives for power, take Iraq -- simple ? Nah, rival factions fight like f'k .. For freedom ? Nah, power is what.
US of A is the most powerful nation on the Planet ... Imagine if it were some other regime, where would we be then ?
The Royal we have had our turn .. enslaved people etc including our own - not too much change there then ! desks and tools for manacles ... ;)
If it wasn't for USA bullying others countries when it suit them someone else will. It's a mad world.
Better the devil you know.
At least we speaka da same - mostly - near enough. ! :D

I was at the taking of 'Pelham 123' wot abaht that then ?
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pipme said:
I was at the taking of 'Pelham 123' wot abaht that then ?

Can beat that, pip! I was at the taking of Clapham 321....
pipme said:
The Royal we have had our turn .. enslaved people etc including our own - not too much change there then ! desks and tools for manacles ... ;)

This is what I call the "jumped off a cliff" argument. :D Yonks ago our country did some pretty mean things, but those were the times. Most of the nations in the known world did nasty things (let's not forget the Conquistadors!), just so happened that the British are best at most things except cricket and so we were rather good at the old imperialism racket.

The world was not as enlightened as we are now. Surely, instead of "it's our turn" people (globally) could do well to learn from the mistakes of other people (globally). We have libraries full of history books to tell us what does and doesn't work!

I once heard an American use the "jumped off a cliff" argument to justify the war in Iraq. Now, putting aside whether you were for or against it, would any intelligent person say "Why shouldn't we fight Iraq? You guys had WW1 and WW2 in Europe!" Oh, and he wasn't being ironic, he was being serious. :LOL: