Pro-Palestine Protests

what about the atrocities Hamas committed in Isreal last year? Surely you are happy to say you don't support that either?
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what about the atrocities Hamas committed in Israel last year? Surely you are happy to say you don't support that either?
what about the atrocities Hamas committed in Isreal last year? Surely you are happy to say you don't support that either?
Ive not seen you condemn the atrocities committed by Israel state on Palestinian people
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What do you expect the outcome to be?

I expect law breakers to be arrested and prosecuted. What do you expect?

What do you expect will actually happen to all the people who spread false stories online?
Ive not seen you condemn the atrocities committed by Israel state on Palestinian people
Motorbiking does not condemn those who call for the murder of children

Nor those who perform it.

Putting the thread back on topic, what do you expect to happen to racist murderers in uniform?

"Human Rights Watch investigated the case of Mahmoud al-Sadi, 17, killed by Israeli forces as he walked to school near the Jenin refugee camp on November 21, 2022. The Israeli military did not address his killing specifically but said its forces had been conducting arrest raids in the camp, during which they exchanged fire with Palestinian fighters. However, the nearest exchange of fire occurred at one of the alleged fighter’s homes, about 320 meters away from where Mahmoud was shot, based on residents’ statements.

Mahmoud stood by the side of a road, waiting for the sounds of shooting in the distance to stop, and was not holding any weapon or projectile, a witness said and a security-camera video that Human Rights Watch reviewed showed. After the distant shooting had stopped and the Israeli forces were withdrawing, a single shot fired from an Israeli military vehicle roughly 100 meters away struck Mahmoud, the witness said. No Palestinian fighters were in the area, the witness said. Mahmoud was killed a block away from the street where Israeli forces killed the journalist Shireen Abu Aqla on May 11, 2022."

what about the atrocities Hamas committed in Isreal last year? Surely you are happy to say you don't support that either?
Most if not all people who criticise Israel do not support the atrocities that occurred when Hamas attacked.

Some may wonder about the inevitability of some form of attack by some group or the other at some point in time. Edit- more extreme than previous uprisings,
Lies from the forum troll, I'm all in favour of peaceful protest. As long as they don't incite hatred of innocent people or call for people's throats to be cut or houses to be burned.
Or cause 'disruption'.
I have no problem with lawful protest. I have a problem with people doing things to disrupt others and calling it justified. cretin rebellion, just stop everyone working etc
However protesters who set out to disrupt others, should be prevented.
Which is a very subjective measure. I think it's fair to say you have been very critical of the various pro-palestinan protests which have been overwhelmingly peaceful.
I'm locked out of the 'two tier moderating' thread now as well as the 'Armageddon' thread so pointless me replying here.
Odds and John are like a couple of kids who've nicked keys to the sweetshop.
If you think i'm responsible for what you allege then you'll have to guess again Captain Codswallop*

*more apt. :mrgreen:
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