Pro-Palestine Protests

Ive not seen you condemn the atrocities committed by Israel state on Palestinian people
6 hours later and gosh, Motorbiking hasnt come back to say he condemns the atroctities Israel military has committed on innocent Palesinians

Motorbiking is a hater of Muslims
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6 hours later and gosh, Motorbiking hasnt come back to say he condemns the atroctities Israel military has committed on innocent Palesinians

Motorbiking is a hater of Muslims

I think you're right, the fact he's started multiple threads with the sole purpose of inciting hatred against Muslims is clear evidence of this.

Oh, hang on.
I think you're right, the fact he's started multiple threads with the sole purpose of inciting hatred against Muslims is clear evidence of this.

Oh, hang on.
More lies from Filly

More conflation of criticism of state of Israel with Jew hate

Filly supports Israel because he hates Muslims and wants them dead
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Relax, I know you lack the capability.
Of course i can't lockdown a thread but neither do i report what you say to the mods, either, which is your inference. By all means defend Netanyahu's ongoing quest for vengeance against Palestine, but try not to descend to the level of mot while you're at it.
Is it legal to say the words “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in Germany? The answer appears to be yes: you can shout them from the rooftops in German, English, Arabic or Hebrew, so long as a court accepts that you are not doing so to indicate support for Hamas or its murderous assault of 7 October.


There are legitimate concerns that the “from the river” slogan of Palestinian liberation holds close and painful associations with the terror of Hamas. Germany could address these by talking openly. Everyone’s pain deserves respect and consideration, and if people feel traumatised by something, that should matter. But we can’t let our traumas define our view of the world. There are plenty of ways to imagine a free Palestine that don’t involve genocide. Even if the slogan was once associated with Hamas, it doesn’t have to be today. There are people in Germany who are investing “from the river to the sea” with the accumulated dignity and hope of nonviolent protest movements. But they have to be allowed to talk, and Germany has to start listening. @The Guardian
Marieha Hussain, 37, who had carried a picture showing the faces of the then prime minister Rishi! Sunak and home secretary Suella Braverman superimposed on coconuts under a palm tree in November 2023,and denied the prosecution’s allegation that the placard she held at a pro-Palestine protest was “racially abusive”, has been found not guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence.

Outside court after the hearing, the teacher, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, said: “The laws on hate speech must serve to protect us more but this trial shows that these rules are being weaponised to target ethnic minorities. Nearly a year on from the genocide in Gaza, and despite this trial, I’m more determined than ever to continue using my voice to defend Palestine.”

In his closing speech, Rajiv Menon KC, defending, said: “This prosecution of Ms Hussain is … a disturbing attack on the right of freedom of expression; the right to peaceful protest that did not risk in any shape or form violence or public disorder; the right to anti-racists to criticise members of their own race for pursuing racist policies and using racist rhetoric; the right to satirise our politicians; the right to mock and tease and make fun of our politicians in a light-hearted way that Marieha Hussain attempted to do with her placard. That Marieha Hussain of all people is being prosecuted for a racially aggravated offence whilst the likes of Suella Braverman and Nigel Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – aka Tommy Robinson – and Frank Hester are seemingly free to make inflammatory and divisive statements … is, I’m afraid, incomprehensible to many people.”

Apart from the Usual Suspects in this forum, obviously.
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