Final proof, The labour party are anti semitic

If Catalonia goes independent they will want to join EU. Therefore, the 28 will still be 28 after Brexit.
It will make little difference to the EU.
Apart from that EU has said it is an internal affair for Spain to sort out.

I agree, the EU wont worry about Spain

...........because they dont give a rats a!@e about sovereign nations :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
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Of course Europe dont need us, they just want our £8.6 billion
Well let's tell them to take a jump.

The irony of the LW ranters on here banging on about how the UK billionaires manage to avoid paying tax but think its fine for Juncker to waste money on private jets and the EU travelling circus to squander £300 million pa travelling to Strasbourg for plenery sessions just to avoid putting the Frenches noses out of joint.

Oh and dont forget they want a new £300m headquarters.
Great that we are leaving then. And then the UK can get on with the business of allowing those grasping billionaires to pay their fare share of tax.

Win/Win. All we need now is a political party to lead us.(y)
If Catalonia goes independent they will want to join EU

But they wouldn't be allowed to, otherwise that legitamises independance, and 27 would become far too many. Spain would be up in arms, if the EU tired to allow it, but I don't know if they could block it under current rules. The EUs prepared to mediate if asked to, but that could open up a can of worms with the side that doesn't get what it wants.
The Swiss goverment has offered to mediate in this Spanish caper.After all what does the EU know about democracy :LOL:
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Ounce again the UK demonstrate to the EU on how democracy should work (scottish referendum)

Spain give an example of how democracy should not work , probably had a word with some of the countries in the middle east ;):) on how to subvert democracy ;)

perhaps way har beeeee and the remoaners could offer up advice on subverting democracy :LOL::LOL:
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but I don't know if they could block it under current rules.
Are you not aware that any existing member of the EU can veto any prospective country from joining?

This is why the well-known pro-Turkey campaigner, of Turkish descent, Buffoon Johnson, might encourage Turkey to apply for membership, but any of the 27 could veto it. It's always been a fake story by the RWRs that Turkey could join in the face of objections.
Are you not aware that any existing member of the EU can veto any prospective country from joining
Thanks John, I had a niggle somewher in the back of my mind, but wasn't sure. Yes, Cyprus will always veto Turkey, and Spain would therefore veto Catalonia.
Eu country veto yeah right depends who that country is ;)

Malta for example veto's what every other country wants ;):LOL:

EU should condemn the Spanish ;) but they will not ;) even though they all signed up to some UN/human rights caper that cover what the Catalonians want. ( A vote)

Blimey any one in Gibralter who wanted to join up with Spain, well they now have a classic example on how that state deals with its citizens :)

an X facist regime (1970's) now a corrupt socialist regime hoovering up EU funds
EU should condemn the Spanish ;) but they will not
I thought that would be coming.

Today a Brexiteer complains that the EU does not interfere enough in member nations. As a change from complaining that the EU interferes too much.

Those quitters just love complaining.
I thought that would be coming.

Today a Brexiteer complains that the EU does not interfere enough in member nations. As a change from complaining that the EU interferes too much.

Those quitters just love complaining.

Thought that would come :rolleyes: slightly different scenario tbh . Democratic right of a country to vote is being subverted with violence & police brutality by an EU state

Mean while the EU remain silent :LOL: nowt to do with them (yet ;))

Well EU funds bought and funded the Spanish riot polices batons etc

blimey with out the hoards of UK drunks going out to Spain on holiday the place would be bank rupt ( noseall would know :LOL:)
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