Five and a half months' paid paternity leave

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
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You couldn't afford a missus like mine Sooey.
In fact I'd be surprised if any self respecting female looked at you twice be it human , animal or vegetable.
ooh touchy :LOL: :LOL: I think you'll find vegetables are bi sexual...a bit like yourself.
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ooh touchy :LOL: :LOL: I think you'll find vegetables are bi sexual...a bit like yourself.

Only those that pollinate them selves , a bit like you , I'd say you like to pollinate your self regularly.
I think thatbloke's location changes regularly.
(JJ waits patiently for someone to say something now about ????),,,,, 5,,,,,,,,,4,,,,,,,,,,3,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,, ;) ;) ;)
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