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... 'climate change' will continue to take place...
... as it has for millions of years..
Yes, the earth has experienced mass extinctions before, and will continue turning however many millions of people are drowned or try to migrate as their islands or coasts sink beneath the waves, or starve if weather changes destroy their agriculture.

Perhaps you are lucky to be callous enough not to care.
Perhaps you are lucky to be callous enough not to care.
Personally I do care because the planet has been around a lot longer than man but I don't see what I can do about it.

As I have said before, there is no way I'm going to use cr*p light bulbs or cycle to work unless everyone else does it too. I.m talking about turning off the lights outside Buck House and Downing St, making the Royal family walk to their pointless functions and imposing the use of video conferencing on all business and political leaders.

I wonder how many politicians attending the recent Climate Change conference in Paris walked there or arrived on a bike or in an electric car?
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I have done.

Would you write "I'm not going to stop burgling houses unless everyone else does too?"
... 'climate change' will continue to take place...
... as it has for millions of years..
Yes, the earth has experienced mass extinctions before, and will continue turning however many millions of people are drowned or try to migrate as their islands or coasts sink beneath the waves, or starve if weather changes destroy their agriculture.

Perhaps you are lucky to be callous enough not to care.
I don't care because turning off a few light bulbs and planting hundreds of windmills isn't going to change what has been happening for millennia.
there is no way I'm going to use cr*p light bulbs or cycle to work unless everyone else does it too.

You are a part of "everyone else"
Everyone else is part of 'everyone else' but it only applies to some.

Prince Charles bangs on about climate change but thinks nothing of hopping onto a helicopter to take him up to Balmoral. That one journey probably wipes out all the good work done by the thousands of sheeple struggling to see by the light of a pink light bulb.
Warming by CO2 is basic science. CO2 reflects back infra red radiation emitted by the earth. So the more CO2, the warmer the Earth. The details are tricky to work out, but the basics are simple. CO2 does warm the Earth. The problem is that weather is complex. They think that for a few years the oceans have been warming, acting as a heat sink. And warming of tundra will release methane, and even stronger greenhouse gas. But more CO2 will encourage plants to grow more, which will absorb CO2.

The CO2 we are releasing was captured by forests in the past when dinosaurs rules. It was then laid down in the ground. We are releasing millions of years of CO2 in a few decades.

If you want to see how the greenhouse effect works, walk into a greenhouse. :)

Oddly enough recent reports suggest CO2 release is reducing, due to efforts to increase use of solar, wind, nuclear etc. I use CFL bulbs, very good they are too, and they save me money. My eco loo is pants, there's not enough water in the cistern, because they want to reduce water usage. So you flush it twice. My VW Up is very nice, 65 mpg on a good commute. What's wrong with more efficient products?

Why not create flood barriers much higher than the present need? Money.

Probably because the size of flood barrier to protect the Somerset Levels, for example, would be ridiculous. Or maybe we don't give a damn about some yokels. They built a nice big barrier in the Thames to protect London cos that's important innit bro?
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