Food colouring/digestive system

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
How much food colouring would you have to eat to turn your poo a vivid shade of a particular colour?

For instance, if you drank one of those little bottles of food colouring from the bakery section of your local supermarket, could you turn it blue, or purple? Or would your body digest the food colouring anyway? I drank a random cheap blue drink once that made my urine very slightly blue.

Just thinking it could be a fun prank to leave bright blue skids so the guy who goes in after you thinks there is some alien conspiracy. :LOL:

Of course, normally I wouldn't condone the leaving of skidmarks, but these would be special and worthy of preservation.
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AdamW said:
How much food colouring would you have to eat to turn your poo a vivid shade of a particular colour?

For instance, if you drank one of those little bottles of food colouring from the bakery section of your local supermarket, could you turn it blue, or purple? Or would your body digest the food colouring anyway? I drank a random cheap blue drink once that made my urine very slightly blue.

Just thinking it could be a fun prank to leave bright blue skids so the guy who goes in after you thinks there is some alien conspiracy. :LOL:

Of course, normally I wouldn't condone the leaving of skidmarks, but these would be special and worthy of preservation.

Adam----no mate!!!!! :eek: Can you imagine Moz when he reads this Friday night? :eek: :LOL:
Don't know about food colouring but i once drang a bottle of blue bols (in my younger years) and shat green for 3 days. :oops:
Heh heh. I once ate loads of blueberries and my poo was green. And once loads of fairy cakes with dark blue icing on: same again.

If you eat lots of beetroot your wee can be pink.
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don't know about sh#t colour, but when i was about 6 my mother entered me into costume conpition at the last min, she put a pair of shorts on me then covered me head to toe in green food dye, i was green for about a week :oops: ps, i won. :LOL: does any body know why sh#t is brown ? :confused:
Poo is brown because of bile and dead red blood cells, I think. Babies poo is just greeny/yellowy because it is just bile.

I'm not an expert or anything.
Oh yeah, and everyone knows poo can be black if you drink 15 pints of Guinness. eh, them were the days.
I think (A-level Biology) bile is released by your bile duct (in the liver) and is stored in your gall bladder. When you eat stuff it is released into the intestine where it helps you digest fat.
I remember a drinking game at college that part of the game was to drink so quickly that you ended throwing up quite spectacularly. On one event I remember a couple of guys drank food colouring before starting. The resulting red and blue vomit was quite weird to see!!!. Oh misspent youth.
if you try those beroca tablets that are supposed to be full of minerals etc to make you more alert (no not THOSE type of tablets), your urine turns a sort of dayglo green. thats wierd. try it next time you are in a toilet that has uv lights (to stop you finding veins to inject.. no i do not :eek: before you ask)
Stools are brown because they contain bilirubin, a pigment contained in bile which is formed as a breakdown product of haemoglobin.

Too much of this stuff in your blood gives the skin the yellow appearance associated with jaundice.

Bile is secreted by the liver and discharges into the duodenum to aid the emulsification and absorption of fats.

BTW, I made some beetroot soup the other day. After a large bowl (6 ladles!), I noticed heavy purple staining in the loo for the following 2 mornings!!!!
didnt a load of kids start turning a tinge of yellow after drinking loads of sunny delight a few years back?

look here they are :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :LOL:
Freddie said:
Adam----no mate!!!!! :eek: Can you imagine Moz when he reads this Friday night? :eek: :LOL:

yeah, Black hat, technicolour breath ..... :confused: :confused: :D
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