For All Those Who Claim We are Leaving The EU, A Spanner In The Works

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Or they may decide that, as their MP, they're in a position to know better, and still vote for Remain.

Maybe you could get your mum to write a letter?

Maybe you could make a sensible contribution to an otherwise sensible debate.

Such as? Maybe I could join in with the "Lets see how we can overturn the democratic will of the people because the result doesn't suit me" mob. You know the ones that endlessly parp on about how they care about everyones rights to this, that and the other. The ones that say we must stay in the EU to ensure justice is served to all. The ones that want to throw all that out of the window, with there toys when their team loses. Your hypocrisy is boundless.
Such as? Maybe I could join in with the "Lets see how we can overturn the democratic will of the people because the result doesn't suit me" mob.

Why don't you try to get the will of 52% of the voters put into effect?

You just need to find someone who can deliver £350m a week to the NHS, cut migration to tens of thousands a year, keep foreign fishing boats out of water near our coast, erect barriers against imported steel, give us full access to the Open Market without us having to follow EU rules or laws, maintain agricultural subsidies, sign trade treaties with countries throughout the world, and ensure UK citizens still have the right to move to EU countries. He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.

Have you found such a person? Have you verified that he can and will deliver it?

If not, then you and your supporters are going to "overturn the democratic will of the people" as you put it.
Cameron was so out-of-touch that he completely mis-read the public mood.

The reality is, the majority, including the media, were surprised by the result.

Probably correct; and by media if we specifically look at the BBC and the Guardian, their journalists are members of the same 1% of the population as Cameron and his cronies.
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For Woody, the first paragraph in Article 50 is:

I know that. Tell John D it to help with his reply.

But despite all the might be's and could do's, do you seriously think that parliament, MPs, the government or anybody is going to go against the will of the majority voters? Seriously.

Yes, under the 1972 European Communities Act this gives MP`s and Parliament, Government the right or DUTY if they think its in Britains Interest and Security the right to vote to stay and renegotiate terms within the EU.

The Public and the Conservative Party Being misled by far right extremist parties as to what the Brexit campaign really stood for, could be a very strong reason.
Such as? Maybe I could join in with the "Lets see how we can overturn the democratic will of the people because the result doesn't suit me" mob.

Why don't you try to get the will of 52% of the voters put into effect?

You just need to find someone who can deliver £350m a week to the NHS, cut migration to tens of thousands a year, keep foreign fishing boats out of water near our coast, erect barriers against imported steel, give us full access to the Open Market without us having to follow EU rules or laws, maintain agricultural subsidies, sign trade treaties with countries throughout the world, and ensure UK citizens still have the right to move to EU countries. He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.

Have you found such a person? Have you verified that he can and will deliver it?

If not, then you and your supporters are going to "overturn the democratic will of the people" as you put it.
There were lies and exaggeration from both sides.
by media if we specifically look at the BBC and the Guardian
And what do you find when you look specifically at the anti-EU Mail, the anti-EU Sun, the anti-EU Express, and the anti-EU Telegraph?

Do please tell me.
There were lies and exaggeration from both sides.

But if you want the Will Of The People to be fulfilled, like mitch66 says he does, somebody's got to deliver it. Do you know someone who can?

Surely you are not in favour of somebody taking power and then delivering something smaller and different? Going back on what was offered? That would be failing to obey the Will of The People.

The Outists have no plan.

Boris and Gove are the dogs who chased a car. Now they've caught it, they don't know what to do. Do you?
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Such as? Maybe I could join in with the "Lets see how we can overturn the democratic will of the people because the result doesn't suit me" mob.

Why don't you try to get the will of 52% of the voters put into effect?

You just need to find someone who can deliver £350m a week to the NHS, cut migration to tens of thousands a year, keep foreign fishing boats out of water near our coast, erect barriers against imported steel, give us full access to the Open Market without us having to follow EU rules or laws, maintain agricultural subsidies, sign trade treaties with countries throughout the world, and ensure UK citizens still have the right to move to EU countries. He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.

Have you found such a person? Have you verified that he can and will deliver it?

Have you found a cure for cancer? Can you control the weather? No? I guess not cos it's not your job. Why do you write such dumb arsed questions?
Have you found a cure for cancer? Can you control the weather? No? I guess not cos it's not your job. Why do you write such dumb arsed questions?

You're telling me you want the will of the people to be obeyed. Well go on then, find someone who can do it. I'm not stopping you.

You just need to find someone who can deliver £350m a week to the NHS, cut migration to tens of thousands a year, keep foreign fishing boats out of water near our coast, erect barriers against imported steel, give us full access to the Open Market without us having to follow EU rules or laws, maintain agricultural subsidies, sign trade treaties with countries throughout the world, and ensure UK citizens still have the right to move to EU countries. He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.
He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.
Wow, 8 straw men in one post! If all you can do is to conflate campaign slogans and hyperbolic rhetoric as literal manifesto promises, we're not going to get anwaywhere. What was said was that if we want to work towards any or all of those things at all, we need to be out of the EU.
You're telling me you want the will of the people to be obeyed. Well go on then, find someone who can do it. I'm not stopping you.

Nah don't fancy it really. Thanks for allowing me though (y)
What was said was...

Show me.


Have you found a cure for cancer? Can you control the weather? No? I guess not cos it's not your job. Why do you write such dumb arsed questions?

You're telling me you want the will of the people to be obeyed. Well go on then, find someone who can do it. I'm not stopping you.

You just need to find someone who can deliver £350m a week to the NHS, cut migration to tens of thousands a year, keep foreign fishing boats out of water near our coast, erect barriers against imported steel, give us full access to the Open Market without us having to follow EU rules or laws, maintain agricultural subsidies, sign trade treaties with countries throughout the world, and ensure UK citizens still have the right to move to EU countries. He will then be able to deliver what was promised and voted for, and the will of 52% of the voters will have been met, and I'm sure the other 48% will not complain much.

It's not "will of the people", it's "will of the voters". Not interchangeable in this case.
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