Fox Hunting.

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"Dads Army" springs to mind.

Dont think so, he probably failed the recruitment test.

Never wanted to take one, too busy learning a trade.

Can you imagine his continued philosophical argument about the impact of war.

After 12 months of self opinionated arguments, I could just see the recruiting officer take out his pistol and shoot himself.

peaps would no doubt think hes won again :D

This is an animal related topic, do you talk hunting all day?
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Think I might join you in Derbyshire , up there soon myself.

Will be a mistake.

Typical criminal who has no ethics and thinks he knows it all.
Feels it is fine to kidnap and threaten death, makes out he is welcome in his town/village where this was committed.

It's a small hamlet. Sat on the Parochial church council for 3 years, maintenance manager for the "village hall" setting up amateur radio club for the local kids. Doing well ;)

A total anal retentive moron whom believes his is the only view. Refutes absolute evidence of the loss to farmers and breeders.

so where is this absolute evidence? Did you not read the report from DEFRA I posted? Instead of going into a ****yfit post something to support your claims, I did.

Alledges he is more charitable than charities.

Are you on acid? Care to point out where I said anything of the sort? Didn't think so.

Total bum wipe IMHO, forcing his own criminal attitudes on others.

You don't have to join in on these discussions, yes it's called a discussion forum.
How did i miss this thread. :eek:

I dont participate in foxhunting but am a supporter.

I do a fair bit of vermin control for farmers. Mostly with a firearm after other methods have failed.

I have 2 whippets that i work with ferrets.

I appreciate not everyone has the same views and morals. I also have no issue with anti's having an opinion. However, i do have an issue with the way some go about exercising their opinions. If they believe that someone is breaking the law, ring the police, that is what the police are for after all.

Taking the law into your own hands is wrong.
How did i miss this thread. :eek:

I dont participate in foxhunting but am a supporter.

I do a fair bit of vermin control for farmers. Mostly with a firearm after other methods have failed.

I have 2 whippets that i work with ferrets.

I appreciate not everyone has the same views and morals. I also have no issue with anti's having an opinion. However, i do have an issue with the way some go about exercising their opinions. If they believe that someone is breaking the law, ring the police, that is what the police are for after all.

Taking the law into your own hands is wrong.

That's debatable. Laws are not moral guidance...
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Predictable response. :rolleyes:

So on that basis, is hunting with dogs wrong if your moral stance is that way inclined?
I have a plan at the next fox hunt let both sides arm themselves with guns, and have a free for all no police involved. And to add a bit of interest let offroaders join in with 50 cal machine guns fitted to there landrovers, and rocket launchers as side arms
Or how about we arm the police with these weapons, and give them the legal right to use them, so theat they can deal with these insane left wing terrorists once and for all.
Predictable response. :rolleyes:

So on that basis, is hunting with dogs wrong if your moral stance is that way inclined?

Hunting with dogs is illegal.

You haven't said anything that hasn't already been discussed. How about entering into the topic and justify your hunting with dogs?

Please tell me what you would do if someone started kicking your dog to death in front of you, would you phone the police?

By the way what do you have the dogs for?

Hunting with dogs is illegal.
so is vandalism, trespass, threatening behaviour. Anti's can't pick and chose which laws to abide. And I didn't say it wasn't illegal but asked whether we can chose to ignore that if morally we think hunting with dogs is ok.

You haven't said anything that hasn't already been discussed. How about entering into the topic and justify your hunting with dogs?
I don't have to justify hunting with dogs. Dogs have hunted prey since before man tamed them. Hunting is in a working dogs blood and comes naturally.

Please tell me what you would do if someone started kicking your dog to death in front of you, would you phone the police?
Irrelevant question but if your implying that a wild fox is comparable to a family pet then your way off the mark.

By the way what do you have the dogs for?
My dogs are family pets first and workers second. Only used for rabbiting through the winter.
BTW peaps, we are never in a million years going to agree.

I can sympathise with certain points anti's make but what gets me is the way in which they feel the need to act.
Waste of time arguing with these loony liberals Pablo. If these marxist tree huggers had their way, foxes, rats and crows would be allowed to vote, given driving licences, and be able to claim benefits and social housing.
Waste of time arguing with these loony liberals Pablo. If these marxist tree huggers had their way, foxes, rats and crows would be allowed to vote, given driving licences, and be able to claim benefits and social housing.

Not arguing or trying to change their minds. Just having a debate :D
Go you. Just don't expect any coherent points from your opponent. These freedom hating, rat-worshipping, satanic communists are completely unable to form any rational argument, beyond repeating the dogmatic, turgid loony left ideologies that have been drilled into their minds by the likes of Stalin, Chairman Mao, Swampy, David Belamy and Bono.
so is vandalism, trespass, threatening behaviour. Anti's can't pick and chose which laws to abide. And I didn't say it wasn't illegal but asked whether we can chose to ignore that if morally we think hunting with dogs is ok.

Civil disobedience is a common amongst social movements and in my view is a vital tactic if animal liberation is to be achieved.


I don't have to justify hunting with dogs. Dogs have hunted prey since before man tamed them. Hunting is in a working dogs blood and comes naturally.

Typical response, I suppose you just open the door and they go out and fetch you rabbits..? Domestic dogs hunting traits have to be encouraged.

Irrelevant question but if your implying that a wild fox is comparable to a family pet then your way off the mark.

I don't discriminate and yes the question was relevant considering you are discussion the subject with an animal rights advocate. You knew what was coming and started back peddling.

My dogs are family pets first and workers second. Only used for rabbiting through the winter.

Yes illegal rabbiting, hunting with dogs.

Straw man, fallacy springs to mind. :rolleyes:
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