France sets up burka commission

so having tolerated women from one religion wearing strange robes as an act of religious observance, they now object to women of a different religion doing the same.

Obviously, therefore, the objection is not to strange robes or religious observance.

It's an objection to the particular religion.

I think you'll find they object to all bad habits now not exclusively one religion.

i got the joke! :LOL:
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They don't, just those whose faces can not be identified, common sense.
You are wrong

Can you identify the face of this woman?


Yes, with a view full on, how many can you identify in this picture...

Shockingly, the Dickensian bone disease rickets has reemerged in the British Muslim community because women are not getting enough vital vitamin D from sunlight because they are being consigned to life under a shroud.
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but also, because unlike most people who live in the UK, they use cooking oil, and don't eat much dairy products or margarine, which are enriched with this vitamin in order to prevent rickets

It was the addition of Vitamin D to foods in the early 20th Century that wiped out the disease here. Much of Northern Europe receives little sunshine in winter, and children who spent long periods indoors, in schools, factories or mines, received insufficient sunlight on their skin to make the vitamin themselves..

That's why your indoor-living child who spends all day on the PC, but eats sandwiches and drinks milk, doesn't get it.


Interestingly, I notice your quote and link are not to a reputable medical or scientific report, but to a political campaigner :( I do not see evidence for her claim.
On last night's Newsnight, there was a Frenchman whose name I've forgotten (mostly because I couldn't pronounce it) arguing the case for banning the burka. They also had Ken Livingstone who, back in the sixties, had fought for the right for people to dress as they pleased. Ken was definitely winning the argument. Quite right too. :cool: :cool: :cool:

I seem to remember that France imposed a ban on all religious symbols in its state schools. I thought this was a bit unfair because a crucifix is so much easier to conceal than some others.
Interesting, I note that your link to a medically-oriented website makes no mention of Burkas as a causing this illness, and does not mention adult women..

Who gets rickets?
Children who lack vitamin D for long periods may get rickets. Vitamin D deficiency is more likely to occur in the following situations:.

•Breastfed babies whose mothers lack vitamin D, or breastfed babies where weaning is delayed - if they are not taking vitamin drops. (These babies do not need to stop breastfeeding, they can have breast milk plus vitamin D supplements.)
•Children who get very little sun on their skin such as those who are stay indoors a lot, or who cover up when outside.
•Children with medical conditions which affect the way the body handles vitamin D, as listed above under causes.
•Children with dark skins or of South Asian origin.
•Children with a family history of vitamin D deficiency.

it also says, among other things:

Foods containing good amounts of vitamin D are: liver, some fish (mainly oily fish such as herring, sardines, pilchards, trout, salmon, tuna and mackerel), egg yolk, and 'fortified' foods (which have vitamin D added) such as some margarines and breakfast cereals.

Obviously, the allegations made by that political campaigner in some daily rag are based on prejudice and ignorance, not a knowledge of the scientific facts. Sadly, I suppose there will be some people who will think that what she says is true :rolleyes:
Children who get very little sun on their skin such as those who stay indoors a lot, or who cover up when outside.

Sounds like what a Muslim child would be forced to do! :mad:

so having tolerated women from one religion wearing strange robes as an act of religious observance, they now object to women of a different religion doing the same.

Obviously, therefore, the objection is not to strange robes or religious observance.

It's an objection to the particular religion.

I think you'll find they object to all bad habits now not exclusively one religion.

i got the joke! :LOL:

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