France waking up

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"France must become a European centre of excellence in the teaching of Islamic theology."

I don't think the man has fully grasped the problem.
Politicians like to sound as though they're getting a grip of things don't they?
a great way to punish the innocent for the actions off an few evil ones rather than tackle the problem correctly
we need the help off these communities not alienate them
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The best thing to do would be to actually go ahead and close down the known hard line mosques, and revoke nationality and deport anyone who is strongly against that. And if that includes a shed load of liberal do gooders...happy days.
The best thing to do would be to actually go ahead and close down the known hard line mosques, and revoke nationality and deport anyone who is strongly against that. And if that includes a shed load of liberal do gooders...happy days.
It's illegal. Are you suggesting that France should resort to illegal actions to counter crime?
You don't seem to have thought this through.
You don't seem to have thought this through.
Laws can be changed.
So do you think that France can change UN law?
In 1948, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights] (UDHR) was adopted. It provided both a right to asylum (Article 14) and a right to nationality (Article 15). The declaration also expressly prohibited arbitrary deprivation of nationality, which had affected many of the wartime refugees.
You don't seem to have thought this through.
Laws can be changed.
So do you think that France can change UN law?
Some laws become outdated as circumstances change.
Sure, but there's a world of difference (s'cuse the pun) between having a man with a red flag walking in front of a vehicle, and stripping someone of their nationality.
One example is only of national interest and can easily be changed. The other example is of international importance and would require the modification of the UDHR, which would probably require agreement by all signatories, at UN level.

If it was possible, to where would France deport these stateless people?
So do you think that France can change UN law?

So do you think that something bad would happen to them if they disregarded it citing national interest?
It simply couldn't happen. They would be forced to hold anyone, that they wished to 'de-nationalise' or deport, indefinitely while the due legal processes were completed. Then the UDHR would be paramount, and France would lose the legal battles.
Thus it would be expensive and pointless for France to attempt it.
I think any responsible, reasonable person would realise that.
I don't think you understood my comment, perhaps because you don't inhabit the real world.
If the situation becomes bad enough anything can happen, and international laws and treaties will take a poor second place to what may then be perceived as being in the national interest.
in other words if the French people start to feel that they or their children are not safe to walk down a street they will demand and get action.
They have already seen one mad muslim deliberately driving a 20 ton truck through a street full of people ffs. How much more of that kind of thing do you think they will take? I'll give you a clue, it won't take many of those type of incidents.
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