So you agree that laws can be changed. We got there in the end.Sure, but there's a world of difference (s'cuse the pun) between having a man with a red flag walking in front of a vehicle, and stripping someone of their nationality.Some laws become outdated as circumstances change.So do you think that France can change UN law?Ditto.You don't seem to have thought this through.
Laws can be changed.
One example is only of national interest and can easily be changed. The other example is of international importance and would require the modification of the UDHR, which would probably require agreement by all signatories, at UN level.
If it was possible, to where would France deport these stateless people?
Right, Nicolas Sarkozy today said that all 11,500 people in France on the terrorist watch list should be put under house arrest. So that's 11,500 people who want to hurt non Muslim people. So if just a small percentage, say 100 of those bastards want to act on their thoughts and manage to kill like the man in the lorry on Bastille day, that would be over 8,000 more innocent French lives lost. Simply because they are not Muslim. 'Simply'.
Obviously this is just a 'what if' example, but you would agree that the French prime minister has a duty to try and protect it's people and is trying to find a way. This is an unusual, terrible and terrifying situation but you'd agree something has to be done yes?
So instead of you always saying what can't be done to everything and everyone is a racist, and must protect innocent Muslims at all costs (which in an idea world is exactly what should be happening but this isn't an idea world). Why don't you actually come up with some constructive ideas instead? Any thoughts on how to solve this problem? You just seem to always be very negative. It's very easy to slam down ideas but not so easy to find a solution to this.