Freeloading Welsh porkers jailed at last.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Persistent thieving.


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Let's face it, they couldn't dash anywhere even if they wanted to. Mind you it's a shame, other than the food stuff they appear to be fine upstanding members of society ...

It emerged that Bernard McDonagh had 27 convictions, including for affray, criminal damage and theft, and that Ann McDonagh had 18 convictions, many for shoplifting. He had 23 aliases, and she had 20.
We had people from the same lifestyle in the pub one night food /drink 400 quid bill one of them had 17 double vodkas .
We said to barmaid how big a tab would you let us run up before asking for a card
oh 150 quid
So why are you letting them run that bill up
So what was about 6 of them ends up as 3 and the 17 vodka guy hits a 15 year old with them next minute the 15 year olds mum is shouting for the police (now that should have set the alarm bells ringing)
Cops turn up and lift the drunk
Landlord then presents the bill woman hands it to drunk who pulls out a fiver thats all the money i have .
Same crowd back in pub 3 days later 200 quid bill not paid .
We said hell mend you once bitten twice shy .
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They aren't Welsh, they are an Irish traveller clan.
The McDonaghs are notorious in Ireland.
One of their wheezes was to set up home in the car parks of shopping centres and industrial estates.
As they were on private land they couldn't be evicted without a court order.
Rather than go through a long drawn out civil procedure to get rid of them,businesses would bung them 1000's to get them to move on somewhere else.
They are the scum of the earth, all they do is reinforce anti Traveller stereotypes.
Quite agree they were banged up but it amounted to 1400 quid

How about builders and other trade scammers that take heavy deposits for work in some cases thousands that they have no intention of completing plenty seem to get away with it ???

Shut the company down and open up under another name ? Ignore CCJ s ? Ect ect
They aren't Welsh, they are an Irish traveller clan.
The McDonaghs are notorious in Ireland.
One of their wheezes was to set up home in the car parks of shopping centres and industrial estates.
As they were on private land they couldn't be evicted without a court order.
Rather than go through a long drawn out civil procedure to get rid of them,businesses would bung them 1000's to get them to move on somewhere else.
They are the scum of the earth, all they do is reinforce anti Traveller stereotypes.
Authorities: Are you the land/property owner?
Person: Yes.
Authorities: Do these people have your permission to be on your land/in the property?
Person: No.
Authorities: Suspected squatter/s, can you provide documented evidence the land/property owner has given you permission to be on the land/in the property?
Suspected squatter/s: If no documented (and real) evidence provided by them within 60 mins.
Authorities: You have 24 hours to leave the land/property. If you don't, you will be forcibly removed.

All of the above should be completed within 24 hours plus the few hours required at the start of the process to determine if they can provide real documentation.

Don't get me started on our pathetic laws around getting people off land or out of properties they have no right to be on/in.
I am a Welsh porker, but I can honestly say I have never run off and not paid for a restaurant meal.
Just goes to show how effective it can be by 'naming & shaming' criminals on Facebook.
Too often you hear of the local plod advising businesses not to, in case it impinges on their 'uman rights. :evil::evil:
I think the photos will be stuck up behind some tills and in staff rooms.

When I was in Pubwatch we shared photos of local ne'erdowells.
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