Freeloading Welsh porkers jailed at last.

Every cloud has a silver lining i suppose.
From the McDonaghs perspective, going to jail is the bad news but the good news is that they won't have to pay for their dinner while they are in there.
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and they might drop a few kilos.

However, given their likely shall we say "mobile" heritage, I don't think its fair to call them Welsh.
Every cloud has a silver lining i suppose.
From the McDonaghs perspective, going to jail is the bad news but the good news is that they won't have to pay for their dinner while they are in there.
Didn't a young Mcdonagh commit suicide a few years ago?
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They aren't Welsh, they are an Irish traveller clan.
The McDonaghs are notorious in Ireland.
One of their wheezes was to set up home in the car parks of shopping centres and industrial estates.
As they were on private land they couldn't be evicted without a court order.
Rather than go through a long drawn out civil procedure to get rid of them,businesses would bung them 1000's to get them to move on somewhere else.
They are the scum of the earth, all they do is reinforce anti Traveller stereotypes.

Plenty of Mcdonaghs in Bristol too. Same level of 'honesty' too.
They aren't Welsh, they are an Irish traveller clan.
The McDonaghs are notorious in Ireland.
One of their wheezes was to set up home in the car parks of shopping centres and industrial estates.
As they were on private land they couldn't be evicted without a court order.
Rather than go through a long drawn out civil procedure to get rid of them,businesses would bung them 1000's to get them to move on somewhere else.
They are the scum of the earth, all they do is reinforce anti Traveller stereotypes.
The McDonaghs are in the news again.
How the feck were they allowed into America.

Authorities: Are you the land/property owner?
Person: Yes.
Authorities: Do these people have your permission to be on your land/in the property?
Person: No.
Authorities: Suspected squatter/s, can you provide documented evidence the land/property owner has given you permission to be on the land/in the property?
Suspected squatter/s: If no documented (and real) evidence provided by them within 60 mins.
Authorities: You have 24 hours to leave the land/property. If you don't, you will be forcibly removed.

All of the above should be completed within 24 hours plus the few hours required at the start of the process to determine if they can provide real documentation.

Don't get me started on our pathetic laws around getting people off land or out of properties they have no right to be on/in.
Here's an example of when the above process should be instigated ...

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