Fuel Blockades

19 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
They were warning of them on the news this morning.
Whilst i agree with them, i need to start working out how to get to work in the morning with no fuel.
I live 60 miles away and there is NO public transport to where i work.
Might end up having to live at the mother-in-law's!! :eek:
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We have just been told that First buses are going on strike for a week in our area, not sure why at the moment. Particularly ironic as our council have spent and spent on bus road schemes and park and rides, with no provision for city centre parking. Add to that the possible lack of fuel. Oh what fun :p
it will not effect the proposed targets , local govt operations ,(as they have loads of fuel storage dumps) it will only effect joe bloggs who will have NO SYMPATHY WHATSOEVER ....

maybe if one of these hauliers blacked up an pulled on a parka an backback an hung around Parliement awaiting bliars return ..
Direct Action is all this Government will understand.

Instead of moaning about it, why do people not simple make it a day of National Strike and force the Government to act.

It is not just fuel duty they are benefiting from, the increase in fuel costs means manufacturers and suppliers have to increase prices to offset the price increase, this then increases the VAT revenue creramed off by the Government.

We don't simply pay higher fuel prices, we pay higher prices for EVERYTHING.

Until a clear majority of people in this country get off their backsides and take direct action, we will continue to be robbed.
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FWL_Engineer said:
Direct Action is all this Government will understand.

Instead of moaning about it, why do people not simple make it a day of National Strike and force the Government to act.

It is not just fuel duty they are benefiting from, the increase in fuel costs means manufacturers and suppliers have to increase prices to offset the price increase, this then increases the VAT revenue creramed off by the Government.

We don't simply pay higher fuel prices, we pay higher prices for EVERYTHING.

Until a clear majority of people in this country get off their backsides and take direct action, we will continue to be robbed.

im up for a days strike. even better since i work for local government...
dabaldie said:
They were warning of them on the news this morning.
Whilst i agree with them, i need to start working out how to get to work in the morning with no fuel.
I live 60 miles away and there is NO public transport to where i work.
Might end up having to live at the mother-in-law's!! :eek:

Just dont go to work :)
What a Bunch Of Rebels WITHOUT a FOLLOWING ...lol

you are cting like the govt will care about the fuel blockades , they =the new =scum have all ready stock piled for the local govt,hospitals , fire station , council workers ,DHSS workers ,bin men etc ... needs ...a ll getting free fuel as joe public hate you too hell ..

In a report I blogged too the social workers party site , I stressed that 99% of the uk dont live in London ,an couldnt care less if they are hurt in pockets/cash ....
direct action ..... is the fight not rhetoric an words

If all the fuel protestors Wagons were to travel through London at rush hour every morning for 2 weeks ,an with cars of families obeying all road regulations .. London would be in bits after 3 days ..an maybe sheep an cows were to escape around business landmarks ...oh dear ...lol :)

lol the socialist party said my views were too progressive an not needed but I could write an articules for them , the Tw*ts ,I bet they are all middle class children of lords an ladies bunch of wan**rs
not London, Moz, its too expensive. Do all the big cities, just get all the lorries and big vehicles, tractors, everything, into all the big cities and create gridlock. Ooooooh imagine the chaos!

What about a week of national strike? Everybody who drives to work or for work, refuses to work for an entire week (because they can no longer afford petrol ;) ) This should make a big dent in the govt's pockets and force them to lower tax. I reckon 79.9ppl should be our target ;)

I'm thinking of having my car converted to LPG. Less of my money in Brown's pockets has gotta be a good thing. Though i did notice LPG went up round here recently :confused: Anyone on here had their car converted to LPG? Does it run as well as on petrol?
crafty1289 said:
I'm thinking of having my car converted to LPG. Less of my money in Brown's pockets has gotta be a good thing. Though i did notice LPG went up round here recently :confused: Anyone on here had their car converted to LPG? Does it run as well as on petrol?

im tryin my car with cookin oil.. so far, it feels as tho the car had slightly more power usin 15L diesel, 6L oil. gonna try it a bit more when tank is emptier tho.

as for LPG, some of the council vans are petrol or LPG. main problem with most of them is they lack quick acceleration when runnin form LPG (you know the score. busy junction, small break in traffic, gotta be quick, get 1/2 way out and stall)

prices should be 75-80P/litre. not 90p-£1
LPG...theres no test to find if LPG has been taxed as fuel... what you need is a bulk tank in the garden for your Cooker and a car converted to LPG... no that i would advocate not paying tax of course.... i hear central heating oil works in a diesel car, but can be detected.....
sidecar_jon said:
LPG...theres no test to find if LPG has been taxed as fuel... what you need is a bulk tank in the garden for your Cooker and a car converted to LPG... no that i would advocate not paying tax of course.... i hear central heating oil works in a diesel car, but can be detected.....

im gonna try the cookin oil in my car for a while first... then might start payin *some* tax
i think with cookign oil the trouble may come in the winter...its gona go all gooey and the pump wont be able to cope... maybe.. who knows tho!. .. theres plenty of mix sugestions on the net... my tiny car is a 500cc diesel it does 90 MPG (but very sloooooooly) .. one day when it dont have to work i'll try cooking oil!
sidecar_jon said:
i think with cookign oil the trouble may come in the winter...its gona go all gooey and the pump wont be able to cope... maybe.. who knows tho!. .. theres plenty of mix sugestions on the net... my tiny car is a 500cc diesel it does 90 MPG (but very sloooooooly) .. one day when it dont have to work i'll try cooking oil!

im gonna be experimenting with it a lot more. ill keep you lot updated with it. so far its goin OK but im gonna get some more oil/diesel 2mro for it
Have got a weeks supply of diesel in the hut just incase.

You never know

It's also handy if I have cash flow issues during a bad week (cash flow lack) - this hasn't happened for nearly a year but you never know.
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