What a wally! :LOL: Although I suspect he probably thought "plastic fuel can, plastic bin... they can do the same job!" Isn't the legal limit something like 2 gallons of petrol to be stored in proper containers?

In Naples they don't seem to use petrol cans like we do, they have transparent plastic bags with a nozzle on one end. Looks seriously puncture-prone and unsafe! :eek:
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Tis a small amount, people were, apparently shoving £60 worth in their suv's and umpteen, correct, but over quantity cans in the back .. surely the filling station were aiding and abetting unlawful acts in those cases ? Soon as they are in the vehicle they are more or less stored, and well over the lawful storage limits I am sure. .. hey ho !!

I wonder if Diesel storage has the same restrictions ?
Why do the british public hoard so much? all it ends up doing is raising the prices more!
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If everyone in the UK didn't use their cars, or public transport for a whole week, with the exception of those that 'need' to; think of the effect it would have on the petrol companies and the government. Much more effective than blocking roads and go slows in my opinion.
nstreet said:
think of the effect it would have on the petrol companies and the government.
The oil refinery would go under and not the government. We hardly make any profit on petrol :cry:
I guess that depends upon who you listen to; this is from one website and many more echo the same views;

PROFITS THE oil companies expect to make this year:

SHELL-£8.4 billion
EXXON MOBIL-£9.4 billion for the first six months of the year.
BP-£8.2 billion
TEXACO-£2.4 billion

That sounds quite a bit to me, apparently Shells profit is a British record.

If the effect would be that refineries close then isn't it a bl**dy big deterrent, both for the oil companies and the government? Time they looked after their cusomers but more to the point, time the government stopped ripping us off.
Through the Zummerset haze of cider, Dr Eavi(l)s's pop concerts, red stained Mercedes oil burners, fox hunts, witch hunts, traveller's debris, Severn bore, Portishead A-Seekers, lunatic pilgrimage to Glastonbury Tor and Mendip pot-holing, complete with the Wurzels doling out 'dollops of girt thick Jollop' whilst 'going there twice daily..'...... I guess the oil companies are quite diversified in their business really .... just flogging off the by-prods... to keep the natives on the cusp of revolt ..
Oh well, there's still more cider in the jar :p
:( :) :D :eek: :mad:
nstreet said:
If everyone in the UK didn't use their cars, or public transport for a whole week, with the exception of those that 'need' to; think of the effect it would have on the petrol companies and the government. Much more effective than blocking roads and go slows in my opinion.
Don't use your car, don't go to the pub and don't smoke ( unless like me you enjoy paying the tobacco tax (buy duty free's)
, just not this blairs rate) and the country would collapse
nstreet said:
I guess that depends upon who you listen to; this is from one website and many more echo the same views;

PROFITS THE oil companies expect to make this year:

SHELL-£8.4 billion
EXXON MOBIL-£9.4 billion for the first six months of the year.
BP-£8.2 billion
TEXACO-£2.4 billion

That sounds quite a bit to me, apparently Shells profit is a British record.

If the effect would be that refineries close then isn't it a bl**dy big deterrent, both for the oil companies and the government? Time they looked after their cusomers but more to the point, time the government stopped ripping us off.
I work for BP Oil company and we only make wafer thin profit on petrol, the profit from BP is not from petrol but oil, gas & bitumen and remember this is a worldwide profit not just the UK. We are going through a massive redundancy right now in the UK with a loss of 550 jobs. When I started working for BP we has over 1200 people and now will be left with 220 employee. We have the cheapest petrol in the world, we sell it on for for just under 13p per litre which give us just under 2p profit after refinery costs. BP's figures shows that the UK forecourt business LOSES money. The government take an average of 77p per litre :!: BP just paid £2.6billion tax alone in the last 6 month. BP also paid another tax of £265million just for permission to search for North Sea oil. Richard Branson's firm makes more percentage profit than BP and why do many choose to turn Branson into a saint and BP into a "dirty capitalist?". If it wasn't for BP, you, me and others would have to pay a lot more taxes. BP is the biggest company in the UK and the 2nd biggest in the world, the bigger company, bigger profit so it quite understandable when you see a massive profit.
If the UK forecourt business lose money as you say, why are the filling stations still there?
Be interesting to scrutinise the likes of BP's 'own private books' .... I am sure the individual profit margins are obscufated through legal (or maybe not), but creative accounting for general publication .. Of course, they will have a political angle too.
I could only guess that such as BP would never continue to manufacture a product at a loss ... I do not think, or expect them to be philanthropic by nature.. Then again, pigs may fly :eek: :eek:

Maso, I bet if you, as an employee, had BP's income, you would pay far more tax than they pay... nice position to be in ;)
petewood said:
If the UK forecourt business lose money as you say, why are the filling stations still there?
BP are shutting down all forecourt with less then 4 pumps and how else are people going to travel and also we are govern by the government as well. It is very political and the only way the forecourt can survive is by putting shopping centre as you see with BP - Safeway, Esso - Tesco and so on. It was the superstore's who did the damaged to our own forecourt and this was the only way round it by teaming together. We actually sell the petrol at a loss and without getting too political they are our biggest supplier and they are hard to deal with because they don't really care if they don't sell petrol. One of the Tesco own forecourt in the South East sell over 200,000 litres per day so they want to buy it at a lower price. Did you know that in lower half of England, Esso, Jet, Q-8, Shell and so on are BP petrol! We have taken over all Shell supply in the South East because they have shut their refinery down.
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