I’ve been moaning about the human over-population for yonks but the second you start saying there should be less people you get compared to Hitler
In 2111 people may be saying he had some good ideas. Of course it isn't PC to say that!
There is scientific theory that the Earth balances itself, so global warming, send in floods and ice, too many population, send in a natural disaster, too cool, send in a volcano eruption. It all seems to equal out long term, and if not, political pressure, send thousands to the front line to be killed.
If Joe 90's claims are correct, that means he's 100 years old, because the population in the UK in 1900 was 30 million, and is now 60 million, but in 1900, people had loads of kids, due to infant death, some would live, many didn't, nowadays, most people have 2.4 kids on average, but people live far longer. My girlfriend, has found out she might be a granny, strange to call your girlfriend a grandmother, so in her lifetime, she might be a great great grandmother. Something unheard of previously. And China I believe regulates childbirth, to one child, otherwise heavy taxes are imposed, to prevent population explosion.
It's said this winter, coldest winter in known history; then reports flu deaths; they are actually LESS than a normal winter, it's the media going off on one.