George Galloway has told a magazine that "he was not calling for it" but bombing Tony Blair would be "morally justified".

well he sounds a bit potty to me .
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Good on him an the many ex service men like me AGREE !!! , (catterick cookhouse )The War criminal deserves to be SHOT as a dirty dog in the street ...
I would get my old Bisley (5 times yearly winner there )sniper rifle an climb that clock tower (Big Benn)if no her indoors ... FACT

BANG then do the time ..happily !

this is me sober ...Straight Talking ;)
well MOZ it wont matter to me who is in power as you should know they are all ass wipes the lot of them, i myself was in the gulf war the first one,
i just missed out on the falklands i was 17 just joined on leave i had the pleasure of watching it on tv in the wine bars in blackpool.

SO now i am doing my part i will stay on the dole forever and rip these scum bags off, the thing is they dont relise they are all slaves and i now feel freee and i am going to stay that way. heeee heeeeeeeee
YOU JOINED .....if true read below

QLR's KORB RGJ .......or L I who were stationed at Weeton for ever .. ?
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BOB.DOLE said:
I will stay on the dole forever

Don't think so mate, they only allow you 6 months on JSA and then your money is abruptly cut off. :(

Thought you were a gas fitter anyway ;)
Bahco said:
BOB.DOLE said:
I will stay on the dole forever

Don't think so mate, they only allow you 6 months on JSA and then your money is abruptly cut off. :( then you go on icome support :) don't foget they have grandfather rights up that neck of the woods sort of handed down from father to son

Thought you were a gas fitter anyway ;)
Bahco said:
BOB.DOLE said:
I will stay on the dole forever

Don't think so mate, they only allow you 6 months on JSA and then your money is abruptly cut off. :(

Thought you were a gas fitter anyway ;)

i am a man of many skills i have seen the promise land and i say unto thee that the contractors got there before the honest man and he will make slaves of thee BIGLEY GOOD RIDENCE
thankyou as bob is a STAR

you get jealous , how well he has done an not like many of you 4 week courses...
Moz said:
Good on him an the many ex service men like me AGREE !!! , (catterick cookhouse )The War criminal deserves to be SHOT as a dirty dog in the street ...
I would get my old Bisley (5 times yearly winner there )sniper rifle an climb that clock tower (Big Benn)if no her indoors ... FACT

BANG then do the time ..happily !

this is me sober ...Straight Talking ;)

Join the army. Start bleating when real bullets are fired. What did you think army meant? Soldiers use real bullets when in action and nasty people who also have real bullets shoot back. Snipers are specialist killers. Snipers are specialist killers. Snipers are specialist killers. have you got it yet? :cry: :cry: :cry:
Yes, but rifles designed for snipers also make good target rifles - I'd like a Sako TRG-22, but that doesn't mean I want to become a sniper.
Why do you want one then? Is it the same reasom men buy cars with 'long noses'?

ban-all-sheds said:
Yes, but rifles designed for snipers also make good target rifles - I'd like a Sako TRG-22, but that doesn't mean I want to become a sniper.

He said he was a sniper in the army and I am confident he is telling the truth. Snipers kill, it is their sole job while in the army. Snipers kill.
Prime ministers sent soldires to kill people. In this case to secure the oil resources for the near future. I think it was wrong and he did not carry out this action with the consent of the English people. Hay! when did that make any difference. I can't say shoot him. That would be against the law and i'm a good boy. Honest!

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