The only place I can see a pump giving 900LPH at 4.5m is on one the curves in your #20. Is that where it comes from? Is it the same pump to generate Fig. 28? There are a lot more speed choices on Fig. 28! If the system specific resistance varies, any number of flow/head combinations can result.You can't see the the Hx pressure loss, you have to derive it, as i said originally a 6M pump pumping 900 LPH will have a total head of ~ 4.5M (assuming a true CC pump), at 900LPH the residual pump head is 2.5M therefore the Hx head loss is (4.5-2.5) or 2.0M.
We are informed, below that when on curve H that the residual head is 1.7M @ 900LPH so of course its for a system that needs a lower residual head to give the same flowrate, one system might need 2.5M to circulate 900LPH, another may only require 1.7M to circulate 900LPH, the Hx head loss will remain the same at 900LPH, but because a 4.2M pump head will fall to ~ 3.2M when pumping 900LPM then the residual head is only (3.2-2.0), 1.2M (made a typo of 1.0M, above) or else a 4.2M pump will only fall to a total head of (1.7+2), 3.7M in pumping 900LPH. Its still amazing why they don't just specify the Hx head loss, all you need is the head loss at any one given flowrate, the rest can then be calculated very accurately because head is proportional to flow squared.
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For a heat-only boiler, the manual should give a graph of boiler headloss vs flow (or loss at a given flow, from which it's easy to produce the curve). You can then add the estimated system loss to get the required pump duty.
With a system boiler or combi, I assume the pump is based on a typical system loss, and available pump head is provided. If the installer can be bothered, he could estimate the system loss and check flow is adequate. I doubt if it's usually a problem, partly because if the system resistance is untypically high, it's likely to be due to fewer rads, so lower flow is OK. One I just looked at gives available pump head at just one flow, presumably at max pump setting. I agree it would be useful to have the pump curves (at various speeds) and the boiler headloss, to give a better idea of what's going on.