On a Friday I would have to shut the gas / file the paper work for a permit do the repairs and call for an inspection KNOWING all of the above would take several days and at least a thousand dollars and the caller would have had a heart attack. By telling him call another person ALL with in a mile or two OR he just as well could have called the utility they in turn would have shut the gas and red tagged the piping in question and told him hire someone licensed to make repairs and file the necessary forms
Still cant see why you could not of attended and made safe, or contacted gas supplier to make safe.
Not familiar with the way you chaps work in the states, But, in GB we would attend, KNOCK on the door (we dont ring doorbells with reported smell of gas). assess the situation, evacuate the surrounding buildings and procede to vent property of gas. All the time this is going on we contact the gas supplier who attends and makes save the ruptured main.
No excessive paperwork required and everyone involved going home safe after a days work to enjoy the sunny weekend.
Dont mean to cause you any offence, but, surely this is playing on your consiance.